'O Father, it is impossible not to ask you the following questions: Are you a member of ecclesiastical masonry? Who are the cardinals, bishops and priests who are members of this ecclesiastical masonry?'

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(LifeSiteNews) – Editor’s note: The following is the fourth open letter from a Catholic priest from the Ivory Coast written to Pope Francis, asking him to “take the path of humility,” and to clarify his “errors.” The priest writes under the name Father Jesusmary Missigbètò: his first open letter can be read here, with the second here, and the third here.
To the reigning Pontiff Pope Francis,
Dearest Father, thank you for receiving this letter through the Prelate of Opus Dei. May Mary and Joseph help you to guide the Catholic Church in the Truth (Jesus Christ)! On May 28, 2022, your response to my letter of appeal and to the five questions I had asked you was silence. O Father, how sad, for your errors are grave and obvious…
September 5, 2016: “the commitment to live in continence can be proposed. Amoris laetitia does not ignore the difficulties of this option… the mentioned option may not, in fact, be feasible” (Pope Francis, Bishops of the Pastoral Region of Buenos Aires) But, Father, since when has the virtue of chastity become an option? How is it possible for a pope to ignore what all Catholics with a minimum of orthodox Christian formation (and even non-Christians who strive to live the natural moral law) know? Chastity is never an option but a serious moral duty for every human being.
Unfortunately, on June 5, 2017, you ordered that these three sentences be published as “Magisterium authenticum” (Acta Apostolicae Sedis 108, pp. 1071-1074). In over 2,000 years of Catholic history, this is the first papal doctrinal-moral error thus recorded in the Vatican Archives (cf. my 2nd open letter), with the astonishing support of several cardinals, bishops and priests: Parolin, Kasper, Schönborn, Coccopalmerio, Vallini, Cupich, Grech, Paglia, Forte, Scicluna, Fenoy, McElroy, Spadaro, Bordeyne, etc.
Moreover, does not this official publication, clearly showing your desire to impose this error on all Catholics, call into question the application of the dogma of infallibility to your pontificate? Could we not see here, a posteriori, the proof of a possible invalidity of your election to the Chair of St. Peter? (cf. Vatican Council I, First Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus on the Church of Christ, Chapter 4, July 18, 1870)
Read the rest: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/priests-open-letter-to-pope-francis-please-correct-your-serious-errors-and-defend-divine-truth/