Sunday, November 28, 2021
Saturday, November 27, 2021
“We are killing our kids. Does anyone care?“
Kids that would have never died from COVID are now dying after getting the vaccine. Will it ever end?
Recently, Dr. Toby Rogers did a risk-benefit analysis showing we’ll kill 117 kids for every kid we save from COVID with the vaccines aged 5 to 11.
The ratio doesn’t really change if they change the dose, e.g., to a third of the adult dose. It means fewer kids saved and fewer kids killed, but Toby estimates the ratio would be about the same. Whether it is 117 or 10, it doesn’t matter. We will kill a lot more kids than we will ever save with these vaccines.
What Toby predicted is now coming true.
We can’t show it is 117 to 1, but we can show for sure we are killing more kids than we are saving because kids that would have never died before are now dying
With COVID, only children with pretty severe health problems would die: we don’t know of a single kid, 5 to 11, who died from COVID who didn’t have some pretty serious health issues before they got COVID.
Those days are now gone. We’re now killing the healthy kids.
The vaccines rolled out for kids 5 to 11 starting on November 7. It is now just 12 days later and we are now killing perfectly healthy kids.
I just got this text:
“… they warped the concept of precautionary principle saying there was a disease we didn’t know about so the safest thing to do was take an injection we had no clue about.“
Geert Vanden Bossche offers harsh warning
Funny how the precautionary principle isn’t applied to people who say things like, “Don’t take an experimental gene therapy which is a technology that has never been used before because literally no one knows what it will do, and we do know vaccinating during a pandemic will lead to ADE”
Instead they warped the concept of precautionary principle saying there was a disease we didn’t know about so the safest thing to do was take an injection we had no clue about.
This is how hypnotized people are.
Like Clockwork:
Portugal reimposes rules as COVID-19 cases rise
LISBON, Nov 25 (Reuters) – Portugal, which has one of the world’s highest rates of vaccination against COVID-19, announced it would reimpose restrictions to stop a surge in cases, ordering all passengers flying into the country to show a negative test certificate on arrival.
“It doesn’t matter how successful the vaccination was, we must be aware we are entering a phase of greater risk,” Prime Minister Antonio Costa told a news conference on Thursday.
“We have seen significant growth (in cases) in the EU and Portugal is not an island,” he added.
Portugal reported 3,773 new cases on Wednesday, the highest daily figure in four months, before dropping to 3,150 on Thursday. Deaths, however, remain far below levels seen in January, when the country faced its toughest battle against COVID-19.
Hypnotized. They insist the vaccination program is successful, even as they lock down cause of Covid spikes, while places that did not vaccinate do not. Florida and Texas along with a dozen other states seem fine, along with, well South Asia and Africa. The MOST vaccinated places all appear to be doing the worst, and they are also the places that did the harshest lockdowns and mandatory Gessler Hats.
Around 87% of Portugal’s population of just over 10 million is fully inoculated against the coronavirus and the country’s speedy vaccination rollout has been widely praised. That has allowed it to lift most of its pandemic restrictions
Thursday, November 25, 2021
My latest: “Our Bishops Can Learn from Kyle Rittenhouse”
Our Bishops Can Learn From Kyle Rittenhouse
Some things are worth defending.
Kyle Rittenhouse, a young man at 17 years of age, knows this fact quite well. He was forced to defend his own life because others threatened to take it away. Kyle is now, as of November 18, awaiting the verdict from his trial but, as is so often the case today, many are attempting to try and condemn him in the media. Defending one’s own life, for many, is now a crime.
Kyle was down on the ground, alone against a mob, his safety and, potentially his life, threatened. He used his weapon and killed his attackers in what appears to be self-defense.
I believe, now that he has the ignominious status of having killed men, he would be quick to correct any others who glamorize violence, who think such a regrettable tragedy confers some sort of “street cred” or hero status. Men who take the life of another as a defense never forget the gravity of the decision and are sobered by the reality for the rest of their lives.
Kyle no doubt demonstrated the sober reality of taking life when he broke down in dramatic sobs in the courtroom, reliving the tense moments before he had to use his weapon in the face of potentially deadly threats. Many have derided Kyle as a wild and lawless militia wannabe who had no business being where he was and armed as he was.
Read the rest:
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
This is what they want: destroy marriages, destroy families, divide mankind and conquer
Which makes sense because for a long time now we’ve known this whole scam is not about science, not about health, not about facts.
Reality and Myth Regarding Thanksgiving
Reality & Myth regarding Thanksgiving
In fact, until the 19th century, Thanksgiving was strictly a Puritan event, without any influence on the rest of the American people, commemorated as a harvest day ‘fast and thanksgiving’ ceremony. Further, that “day” was celebrated spottily only in the New England States, in some regions and not others, and never on a fixed date.

This idyllic first Thanksgiving painted in the early 20th century is a fable, not reality
Now, here is the really surprising data: Until the mid-19th century, the event of a feast shared by the first Puritans with the Wampanoag Indians in October of 1621 was completely unknown.
It was a New Hampshire Episcopalian woman, Sarah Hale, editor of the popular Godey’s Lady’s Magazine, who came across a Puritain diary revealing the existence of the gathering of Pilgrims and Indians in 1621. She thought to take advantage of that forgotten commemoration in order to shape it into an “American” feast day.
In 1845, she launched her “crusade” to make a Thanksgiving national feast, stumping relentlessly for the festival in her popular and influential magazine and barnstorming politicians, preachers and presidents. In Godey’s pages, the Pilgrims with their buckled hats, the feathered-banded Indians, and the turkey and pumpkin made their first appearance, along with sentimental short stories trumpeting New England Protestant values of simplicity, economy and patriotism.

A Victorian age depiction of the Thanksgiving devised by Sarah Hale
Instead of being turned toward heaven, in fact, the day’s focus became home, family and nation, that is, America in its “providential role” as republic builder, America as the melting pot that took in all peoples and integrated them into the democratic ideal. Hale envisioned Thanksgiving as one way to bring Americans together much the same way that Protestant women later promoted the Pledge of Allegiance to foster patriotism and national unity, which is another story.
Lincoln also established its official date as the final Thursday in November. Needless to say, the South was loathe to adopt any law coming from the hated Lincoln, and it would take many years for the holiday to achieve its goal or begin to resemble the distinctly American secular holiday we know today.
Immigrant Catholics, who still observed the Catholic feasts and holydays, were also reluctant to embrace this strictly secular feast, which they considered Protestant. It was Cardinal of Baltimore James Gibbons (1834-1921), the great champion of Americanism and religious liberty, who was the first Prelate to make public efforts to integrate Catholics into the Protestant festival.
In 1888, he published in his archdiocesan paper a circular where he called on his priests to recite this ecumenical prayer at the close of Mass on Thanksgiving Day directing its observance: “The faithful of the Archdiocese having in common with our fellow citizens, deep cause for gratitude to the Giver of every good and perfect gift, will, we feel confident, be equally desirous of evincing their spirit of thanksgiving.”

A 1869 illustration by Thomas Nast displays the new ideal: a table around which all Americans sit
It would take many years – after the more generalized secularization and commercialization of Thanksgiving that occurred in the post World War I era – before Catholics as a body would accept the secular holiday. The 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia makes this revealing remark: “Catholic recognition of the day by special religious features has only been of comparatively recent date and not as yet of official general custom.”
The Pilgrims’ fast and thanksgiving day
So, what is the real history of the real “first thanksgiving”? Summarizing, it could hardly be more different from the story of Pilgrims and Indians meeting in ecumenical joy at a feast of fellowship, the fable we know today.
The Plymouth Pilgrims followed their English counterparts who despised the many Catholic holydays and feast days. But they went a step further, thinking the Church of England beyond reform because it was still too Roman. According to them, all these Popish inventions involved too much ceremony, too much celebration and were unsupported by Scriptures.
So, the Puritans reduced the holydays and feast days to one: the Sabbath. These first Pilgrims, who landed on American soil, hated holydays and festivity so much that they even abolished Christmas and Easter.
A custom developed among the Pilgrims, however, that of declaring special days of thanksgiving in response to God’s providence. The day of thanksgiving was preceded by a day of fast. The majority of the second day was spent in their temple houses praying, singing and Scripture reading. Feasting played little and often no role in the early Pilgrim thanksgivings.

Norman Rockwell portrays the familiar Thanksgiving accepted by all Americans by the mid-20th century
When George Washington issued an ad hoc proclamation of a national day of thanksgiving, he did so in the Calvinist spirit. The Continental Congress proclaimed November 1, 1777, as a nationwide day for fasting, prayer and thanksgiving for the English defeat at Saratoga that ensured a French alliance with the newly born Republic. John Adams and James Madison issued similar proclamations for other “providential” events.
The Thanksgiving we know today was invented and reinvented several times, but has little to do in fact with those original Pilgrims, Indians or turkey dinner.
In my opinion, knowing the history of Thanksgiving strengthens the argument for celebrating the Catholic thanksgivings of St. Augustine, Florida and El Paso, Texas. It makes more sense for Catholics to honor the first Masses said on Catholic soil than the original Protestant fast and thanksgiving day that commemorated the Pilgrim’s “covenant with the Lord.”
Still we can commemorate it on the fourth Thursday of November, or any other day, joining together with family and friends to thank God for our Catholic past and ask him to take up again the original plan for our Nation that it may rightly celebrate the Reign of Christ and Our Lady in all its festivals and actions.
- John Tracy Elliot, The Life of James Cardinal Gibbons, Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, vol. II, pp. 5-6.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Please prove me wrong, but it looks an awful lot like the abomination of desolation is what’s happening right now
The following are the scriptures that will be read out in all churches which celebrate the traditional Mass this coming Sunday. It sounds like a news report of current events.
From the Holy Gospel according to Matthew
Matt 24:15-35At that time, Jesus said unto his disciples: When ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the Holy Place, (whoso readeth, let him understand.) And so on.
Homily by St. Jerome, Priest at Bethlehem.
Bk. IV Comm. on Matth. XXIV
This injunction to whoso readeth, to understand, showeth that there is here something mysterious. In Daniel we read as followeth: "And in the midst of the week the sacrifice and the oblations shall be taken away and in the temple there shall be the abomination of desolation, even until the consummation of the time and a consummation shall be given to the desolation." ix. 27. It is of this same thing that the Apostle speaketh, when he saith that a man of iniquity, even an adversary, shall be exalted against whatsoever is called God, or is worshipped so that he shall even dare to stand in the temple of God, and to show himself as God whose coming shall, according to the working of Satan, destroy and banish away from God all who shall receive him.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
My latest column: “Triumph of Modernism: Ecclesial Suicide”
For many years now the Catholic middle-of-the-road attempt to avoid extremes was a recommended and safe conservatism, a refuge for those who favored tradition.
On one side, the extreme to be avoided was the Protestant heresy. Respect for the Catholic past was necessary. We were part of a Church that was 2,000 years old, after all, because founded by the Lord Himself. We didn’t want to make the mistake of rejecting certain essentials as Protestants do, of course.
There were, we knew, ever-spawning new Christian-like sects; splitting apart and reforming again and again, amoeba-like; new cells combining to imitate the old ones but at the same time, by doing so, mitigating against unity in their multiplicity.
The Church is one. It’s in the Credo. We stick together come what may because we’re Catholic. Without unity we cease to be Catholic, so we stay on board the barque no matter the storms.
But there was always at the same time the low hum of Modernism, the disharmonic white noise against which our lives of faith played out. It lured us, by threatening with the penalties for disunity, into a slow denial of Tradition.
This was a gradual extinction of faith, like the proverbial frog in increasingly hot water which kills without warning, the death-blow boiling point inexorably arriving at last. No longer were we aware of the rich and beautiful traditions just beyond our grasp, these having been sloughed off as superfluous burdens by our predecessors. They who had learned it denied us the Latin, chant, and teachings, among other elements of patrimony, which they deemed no longer necessary.
Read the rest:
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Archdiocese of Washington: Rally and Mass for Life to Take Place at Cathedral of Saint Matthew
“Throughout the past several months, we have been planning an in-person Youth Rally and Mass for Life at Capital One Arena on January 21, 2022. Tickets for this event opened on October 15. At this point in time, fewer than 6,000 tickets have been requested/sold. ADW parishes and schools have reserved approximately 1,250 tickets. By comparison, in past years, all 19,000 tickets were gone within a few hours of opening registration.
“In order to promote stewardship of diocesan funds and honor safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Life Issues and the Catholic Youth Organization will be moving the 2022 Youth Rally and Mass for Life. We will not host this event from Capital One Arena. Instead, we will host a live event in the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, open only to youth participants and chaperones from the Archdiocese of Washington. We hope that this ADW Rally and Mass for Life will be as lively and educational as our past events, while also providing a more personal and engaging experience for our young people. The Youth Rally and Mass for Life will be livestreamed for viewers who are outside of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington.
“In the coming weeks, we will publish more information about this event and will contact parishes and schools regarding participation. We estimate that we will be able to host about 700-800 young people in the Cathedral, and we will establish a selection process to ensure that each parish and school can send an appropriate number of participants. We will be in touch with you all to share more information. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Life Issues or CYO, Inc. at Thank you for your consideration, prayers, and support of our mission.”
- Official statement released by on 16 November 2021
Monday, November 15, 2021
Saturday, November 13, 2021
“My words will not pass away.“
All the words and deeds of men that are not of Christ have been tried before and will be tried again.
Only the Word has changed history and only those who live in the Word and are faithful to His words will share in the only true revolution the world has ever seen.
Jesus Christ is the Word of the Father, Who goes forth from the Father and does not return void to the Father but accomplishes every purpose for which the Father has sent Him.
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”
The only true revolution for a world in bondage to sin & death is life, and the only true victory is to be alive in the Word. He is everlasting.
Everything else that has a beginning has an ending.
All of the men in the Church and in the world who are attempting to be alive in their own words, or who are substituting falsehoods for the truth or who are addicted to innovations and denials, will die because they are not in the Word.
The corruption of the best is the worst.
“The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.” (Matthew 26, 24)
All those who attempt to substitute a lie for the truth betray the Son of Man. They will pass away.
His Word is truth. All who are in the Truth are alive in the Word.
“My words will not pass away.”
Friday, November 12, 2021
CDC Admits Crushing Rights of Naturally Immune Without Proof They Transmit the Virus
After formal demand, the CDC concedes it does not have proof of a single instance of a naturally immune individual spreading the virus.
You would assume that if the CDC was going to crush the civil and individual rights of those with natural immunity by having them expelled from school, fired from their jobs, separated from the military, and worse, the CDC would have proof of at least one instance of an unvaccinated, naturally immune individual transmitting the COVID-19 virus to another individual. If you thought this, you would be wrong.
My firm, on behalf of ICAN, asked the CDC for precisely this proof (see below). ICAN wanted to see proof of any instance in which someone who previously had COVID-19 became reinfected with and transmitted the virus to someone else. The CDC’s incredible response is that it does not have a single document reflecting that this has ever occurred. Not one. (See below.)
In contrast, there are endless documents reflecting cases of vaccinated individuals becoming infected with and transmitting the virus to others. Such as this study. And this study. And this study. And this study. It goes on and on…
But it gets worse. The CDC’s excuse for not having a shred of evidence of the naturally immune transmitting the virus is that “this information is not collected.” What?! No proof! But yet the CDC is actively crushing the rights of millions of naturally immune individuals in this country if they do not get the vaccine on the assumption they can transmit the virus. But despite clear proof the vaccinated spread the virus, the CDC lifts restrictions on the vaccinated?! That is dystopian.
The facts about natural immunity are simple. Every single peer reviewed study has found that the naturally immune have far greater than 99% protection from having COVID-19, and this immunity does not wane. In contrast, the COVID-19 vaccine provides, at best, 95% protection and this immunity wanes rapidly. I am no mathematician, but a constant 99% seems preferable to a 95% that quickly drops. And, while the vaccinated readily transmit the virus, not so for the naturally immune.
The lesson yet again is not that health authorities should never make mistakes. They will. It happens. The lesson is that civil and individual rights should never be contingent upon a medical procedure. Everyone, the naturally immune or otherwise, who wants to get vaccinated and boosted should be free to do so. But nobody should be coerced by the government to partake in any medical procedure.
FOIA Request
Monday, November 8, 2021
“Cut out from the reward”: Schismatics and heretics cannot suffer for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven
“Blessed are ye, saith the Lord, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven. If any be seeking under the name of a Christian the pleasures of this world and the possession of temporal goods, let him bethink him that our blessedness is inward, even as the mouth of the Prophet saith concerning the soul of the Church The King's daughter is all glorious within. Ps. xliv. 15. Without, she is reviled, and persecution and evil report are her promised portion. And yet for these very things, great is her reward in heaven, as indeed is felt in the hearts of the sufferers, at least of such as are able already to say But we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, Which is given unto us.
“To suffer such things is not in itself fruitful; what is fruitful, is to bear them for Christ's Name's sake not calmly only but gladly. There are a great many heretics who mislead souls under the name of Christians, and they suffer such things plentifully, but they are cut out from the reward, for it is not said only Blessed are they which are persecuted, but Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake. Where there is not sound faith there cannot be righteousness, for the just shall live by faith. Heb. x. 38. Neither let schismatics promise themselves any of that reward, for as righteousness cannot exist where there is no faith, so neither can it exist where there is no love. And schismatics have no love, for love worketh no ill to his neighbour, (Rom. xiii. 10,) and if they had it, they would not tear the Body of Christ, which is the Church.
Saint Augustine
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Federal Court Blocks Biden Administration’s Private Business COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Federal Court Blocks Biden Administration’s Private Business COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
A federal appeals court on Saturday blocked the Biden administration’s private employer COVID-19 vaccine mandate, asserting there may be constitutional issues …
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Church news sources, priest blogs, sources on the priesthood
- American Papist
- Anna Arco's Diary
- Annus Sacerdotalis
- Apostles of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim
- Archdiocese of Washington Blog
- Clerical Reform
- Damian Thompson
- Daughters of Mary, Spiritual Mothers of The Priesthood
- Father Jason Worthley
- Father Joe
- Father Joe: Blogger Priest
- Father Raymond DeSouza
- Forest Murmurs
- From the Inside: James Dean enters the Benedictine Order
- John L. Allen, Jr.
- Maranatha
- Offerimus tibi Domine
- Opus Bono Sacerdotii: "Work for the Good of the Priesthood"
- Orthometer
- Overheard in the Sacristy
- Priests' Secretary
- Roman Miscellany
- Rome Reports
- Rosary for the Bishop: Pray for our bishops
- Saint Mary Magdalene
- Sandro Magister in Rome: News, analysis, and documents on the Catholic Church
- The Heart of the Matter
- The Hermeneutic of Continuity
- Valle Adurni
- Voice in the Areopagus / Father Bill Stetson
- Vultus Christi
- Yorkshire Shepherd