From the several gifts in my coffer,
With thanks for cookies sent to me
By the Williams children three.

Created and signed, these, cards of greeting
That their sentiments with me might find happy meeting;
And to celebrate the Lord's birth and joy to others bring,
Baked they cookies to mark the birth-feast of the King.
They rolled, cut and decorated with care
And, in a package to Iraq through the air,
These cookies mailed with prayers and glee
To all the folks deployed with Father "C".
Away the sweets went, o'er sea and land they flew,
A sign of love hidden away until revealed anew,
When into the receipt of Father "C" they were given,
A reminder of the care for all in Heaven.
After Mass these delights were shared with the many
Of those who praised the Lord on Epiphany Sunday.
Yet again, the next morn, Father enjoyed them with his latte coffee
And gave one as a gift to a Baghdad Iraqi.
Finally, when none more of these treats remained but a few,
One was conferred, aloft, upon a member of the Osprey crew.
And, too, a Marine would thank these Williams children three
For their Christmas cookies sent far by air, land and sea.
And for sending these signs, from America, of love-
Give we thanks and remember you in our prayers to God above
-- ((((..))))