Sunday, September 29, 2024

Why Catholics Must Vote Trump to Save Themselves and America: The Catholic Case for Trump


By Paul Ingrassia and Ed Martin

Over the past four years, Catholic Americans have been targeted by name: by the FBI in the Richmond memo is the most famous.  And Catholic Americans have been hunted by the DOJ.  They have been targeted by the fake news media hitting them with quotes by the Pope.  More than ever, a national election will decide the fate of Catholic Americans.  Catholic Americans must choose to save themselves and our nation.

The Catholic vote has long been a desirable if somewhat enigmatic constituency for presidential candidates given their bellwether tendencies, in which they more often than not — like moderates or Independents — choose the winning candidate.  In 2016, for example, Donald Trump won the Catholic vote 52% to 45%.  In 2020, some pollsters claimed Biden won back this demographic, 52% to 47%, although these results, of course, are far less reliable — and the more accurate breakdown is that President Trump won 50% to 49% — given the widespread fraud that impacted that race.

Nevertheless, for all sorts of reasons, over the past eighty years Catholic voters have proven to be a crucial voting demographic. In the Trump era, they have outsized importance, considering their large concentrations in a handful of key battleground states distributed throughout the rustbelt and sunbelt.  According to a 2014 Pew study detailing religious identification, Catholics comprised 24% of Pennsylvania’s overall population, almost four points above the national average.  Broken down by party affiliation, 43% of Pennsylvania Catholics are registered Republicans, compared with 46%, who are registered Democrats.

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