"Heretical groups disguised as progressives criticised this decision as a mere tactical manoeuvre by the Pope, who wanted to send a signal to orthodox Catholics, slandered as conservative or even traditionalist, that the participants were balanced," the cardinal admits.
Asked about last October's Synod session, Müller says: "It could have been worse".
However, Cardinal Müller agrees that "there is always the danger that self-proclaimed progressives, in collusion with anti-Catholic forces in politics and the media, will introduce into the Church the Agenda 2030", which is "contrary to the divine dignity of every human person".
He confirms that "this is no longer a Synod of Bishops, or rather this international Catholic symposium". The term "synodality" is for him "an artificially created abstract term and a buzzword".
Confronted with Tucho Fernandez's statement that he published Fiducia supplicans to prevent [pseudo] blessings for homosexual concubines from monopolising the synod, Müller is laconic: "You can pat yourself on the back for your tactical games. But it's about the truth".
Cardinal Müller insists that the ex-synod "should not in any way resemble a party conference in an authoritarian system, where everyone is closely monitored and controlled to speak according to the wishes of the authorities, and where the only real ruler then decides as he sees fit".
"The Church is not a political organisation and its constitution has nothing to do with an absolute or constitutional monarchy, with an aristocratic oligarchy, or with a libertarian or totalitarian government of the people".
Therefore, "we cannot sanction one legitimate opinion in favour of another with spiritual penalties on climate change, compulsory vaccination and immigration. Just as ecclesiastical authority cannot introduce new sacraments, neither can it invent new mortal sins. Certainly, one cannot seriously threaten with hellish punishments those who have a different opinion from the majority on climate change".
On the contrary, what is important is that "heretical positions should not be recognised with equal rights, because they undermine the foundation of the Church in its creed".
He exposes the trick of contrasting heretical positions as "more pastorally sensitive" with the Catholic position, which is denigrated without serious theological arguments.
One of the leading forces of the Ex-Synod, the Church in Germany, is "in a state of rapid mental and spiritual decline, especially with regard to its official representatives and the circles of Catholic officials associated with them", Müller analyses.
Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller © Mazur CC BY-NC-SA, #newsBbrbufmpon
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