Monday, September 23, 2024

Stop the Maryland Abortion Referendum

Maryland is one of 9 states that will face an abortion referendum this year on Election Day.

The Reproductive Freedom Amendment will be on the ballot as Question 1. Almost every pundit, politician, and national pro-life organization has written us off completely. Two recent polls failed to even ask a question of voters to gauge support. There are good people working on this issue throughout the state, but they need our help and support to deliver a David versus Goliath miracle.

Maryland Catholic Conference offers resources which you can easily provide to your parishioners in succession over the next 4-5 weeks. Exit polls in Ohio after their abortion referendum last year showed that 52% of self-identified Catholics, including 31% who attended Mass weekly, voted YES to abortion through all 9 months. We have one chance to influence our flock and they must hear from us on more than one occasion.

Parishes are advised to plan notifying and informing parishioners.

Suggested timeline:

Week 1 (September 21-22): Print and distribute the letter from the Maryland Bishop 

Week 2 (September 28-29): Print and distribute the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) informational bulletin insert

Week 3 (October 5-6): Share the MCC Question 1 Flyer 

Week 4 (October 12-13): Share the Freedom from Violence Maryland Question 1 Flyer. 

Urge members of your congregation that would like to contribute by volunteering or donating to support the only pro-life, grassroots effort against the amendment.

If you would like Spanish versions of the MCC flyers or would like additional ideas for educating your parishes about the amendment, an MCC Toolkit is available. 

If you’d like more information about Freedom From Violence Maryland, chaired by a local Catholic, please go to FFV will provide printed flyers to any parish requesting them, free of charge.

Find MCC resources at this link:

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