Abbé Courtois - whom Abbé de Giacomoni, the new superior of the French District of the FSSP, assisted as deacon - celebrated his last solemn Mass on Sunday 25 August in the church of St Matthieu in Quimper.
After Mass, there was a farewell picnic for Abbés Courtois and Télisson.
Monsignor Dognin, the local bishop, decided that in future Sunday Masses would be celebrated by diocesan priests whom he could not find.
However, Mgr Dognin also asked the faithful to participate in the Eucharist "on certain important feasts as a sign of recognition of the validity of the sacraments celebrated in the universal Church", which means that there will be no Mass on these days.
Mgr Dognin also forbids the celebration of baptisms, marriages and confirmations according to the Roman rite.
Jean-Pierre Maugendre writes on PaixLiturgique.fr (2 September) that it is astonishing that 60 years after the conciliar declaration Dignitatis Humanae this can still happen.
Dignitatis Humanae states: "In religious matters, no one should be compelled to act against his or her conscience, nor should anyone be prevented from acting in accordance with his or her conscience within reasonable limits, whether in private or in public, alone or with others."
This insistence on the failed Novus Ordo is all the more surprising because 60 years ago there were 1,000 priests in the diocese of Quiper. After 60 years of the Novus Ordo there are 80 active priests left, including many imported from Africa.
In the eight years of its existence, the FSSP parish of Quimper has baptised 40 children and 15 adults and celebrated 22 marriages. It has produced 5 vocations (4 seminarians and 1 nun).
Maugendre stresses that unconditional obedience to the Novus Ordo begins with the acceptance of liturgical changes and ends with the pseudo-blessing of homosexual concubines.
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