Dear Friend of CV,
Can you spare five minutes today? Here's why...
Congress is on recess this week. That means your Representative is home in his or her district taking the pulse of the voters they need to get re-elected.
Next week they will return to Washington D.C. and decide whether to hold firm on cutting taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood -- or whether to give in and compromise.
A 5-minute call to their local office will definitely make a difference. Can you call?
Click here to get your Representative's local phone number
CatholicVote is a proud member of the Expose Planned Parenthood Coalition. This coalition is working together to stop taxpayer funding of abortion giant Planned Parenthood.
Hundreds of thousands of activists have been mobilized by our coalition and today it's our turn.
Today we pledged to ask our members to call the local offices of their member of Congress. It's time for these Representatives to hear from the Catholic vote!
Get your Representative's local phone number here:
Here are some talking points to consider during your call:
1) I am calling today to urge my Representative to cut all taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. This is not negotiable and defunding must be included in ANY budget legislation.
2) During a time of fiscal crisis, everything should be on the table for spending cuts, especially an embattled, scandal-ridden corporation like Planned Parenthood. There must be no sacred cows.
3) With tens of millions of dollars in profit each year, Planned Parenthood does not need or deserve our taxpayers dollars.
4) Recent undercover videos show that Planned Parenthood staff from the top-down were willing to aid and abet the sex trafficking of children. I cannot be complicit in this activity through my tax dollars.
5) Please stand up for women, girls, unborn children, and taxpayers by defunding Planned Parenthood. This must be a top priority and is non-negotiable.
Of course, not every Member of Congress is pro-life. But you don't have to be 100% pro-life to support this amendment. Our government is out of money. The last place our dollars should be going is to Big Abortion.
Planned Parenthood gets $360 million of our tax money every year. This has got to stop. Let's do our part. Please pick up the phone.
For life,
Brian Burch, President
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