Thursday, February 15, 2024

What the current prevailing Novus Ordo syncretism gets wrong

As we see in Austin again last week, bishops are capitulating on the liturgy while expecting congratulations for standing up and speaking out against Fiducia Supplicans.

What the current prevailing Novus Ordo syncretism gets wrong is the idea that faith and morals constitute a red line which Catholics cannot cross while liturgy is an ecumenical playground.

Repeated ad nauseam by many who also get it wrong in practical application is the phrase “Lex orandi, led credendi”. The law of prayer is the law of belief. This means liturgy IS faith and morals, and not a separate category that can be bartered away or compromised.

The prayer of our traditional Catholic faith and morals is our traditional Mass. Period. It is not now and never will be a Masonic on the spot substitute cobbled together by 1960’s episcopal liturgy hobbyists with a subversive agenda. No one person, committee, bishop or pope has now, nor ever will have, the stature of the organic tradition, handed down by the Church within the Church. It is simply irreplaceable. There is no substitute.

The liturgical syncretism today, a kind of cope which has multiplied since TC, takes the form of trying to get one-off sacraments, such as baptism and confirmation, in the traditional form while compromising with the convenience of novus Ordo for weekly Sunday Mass. This is inconsistent for children, for one objection.

“Tradition adjacent” novus Ordo with Latin, Mass and Gregorian chant is not traditional for those who know the tradition, it is still subject to the manipulations of various lay simulations of clergy such as lectors, extraordinary ministers, and political entry points such as the intercessions. In other words, it simply not traditional, to avoid complicating the matter.

Only the tradition is traditional. Only the tradition is a non-Masonic organic apostolic rite, the source and summit of faith and sacramental life, a living and unbroken connection with the Lord.

To be good fathers bishops must be consistent. To be good fathers our bishops must once again do what all bishops once did: be traditional and bring back liturgy together preserved in unbreakable connection with “faith and morals” as they were handed down, as one integral whole received and to be handed down thus, not deformed and manipulated into an unrecognizable substitute which can never suffice for anything except political messaging or social experimentation or, God forbid, evil itself.

We must deal sooner or later with the fact that the novus Ordo has never been accepted by everyone in the Church. The traditional faith, morals, liturgy and all that is truly Catholic, have never been subject to such a popularity contest because it is its own reality. Nothing else will ever substitute.

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