'Important councils, such as Trent, have reacted to false doctrines and provided clarity, whereas nowadays synodal processes, like the nanoparticles in mRNA vaccines, act as carriers that transport the harmful substances or heresies and are toxic themselves,' writes Bishop Marian Eleganti.

(LifeSiteNews) — The following essay is by Swiss Bishop Marian Eleganti, who served as an auxiliary bishop of Chur from 2010 to 2021. In this presentation, Bishop Eleganti takes aim at the Synod on Synodality, asserting that it is not about establishing a “new modus operandi for the Church” but presenting “for the umpteenth time” the doctrinal innovations long desired by “inner-Church” politicians. After condemning the scandal of predatory homosexuality amongst the clergy, he likens the ongoing synodal processes to the COVID inoculations, writing that they “act as carriers that transport the harmful substances or heresies and are toxic themselves.”
The alleged Synod on Synodality
The Church has not been on the wrong track for 2000 years to be enlightened and corrected in our days by a synodal process in the 21st century. For that, we need neither a third Vatican Council nor a slimmed-down substitute event called the “Synod on Synodality.”
I thought, as the title says, that the topic to be discussed would be “synodality” as a supposed new modus operandi of the Church. But no: instead, it is again about the same synodal leftovers warmed up for the umpteenth time since the ‘70s: democracy, participation, involvement in power, women in all offices and the diaconate of women or priesthood of women; revision of sexual morality regarding extramarital sex, remarriage, and homosexuality: doing away with priest-centeredness in liturgy, etc. We all know this.
The repeated proposals are poured over and over into new bottles on which the labels “Listening,” “Inclusivity,” “Welcoming,” “Diversity,” [and] “Equality” are now pasted into a kind of marketing campaign that sells yesterday’s produce as fresh and sells it politely to the man or woman. They are all nice-sounding, emotionally positive terms, but they are empty phrases in relation to the truth or correctness of a position that is at stake. When it comes to theft and speeding, we are exclusive. Apparently, it is only in doctrine that we must not be.
Besides, in the Gospel and the words of Jesus, there is clearly “exclusivity.” There people are excluded from the wedding hall or are thrown out of it to a place where weeping and gnashing of teeth prevail. These are the words of Jesus.
Read the rest: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/swiss-bishop-condemns-the-synod-on-synodality-as-a-marketing-campaign-for-heresy/