The first was Pachamama. And there will be more, we are informed …
St Peter's Basilica Converted into a Debate Hall
Cardinal Ravasi organised a panel discussion ("Lectio Petri") on 22 November inside Saint Peter's.
The four participants sat behind a desk in the basilica's sanctuary, in front of the communion table. Each of them had a bottle and a glass in front of them.
The Novus Ordo regards churches as secularised meeting rooms. Among the participants was the Protestant pastor and theologian Paolo Ricca, 86.
He spoke about Mt 16, where Christ calls Peter a rock ("on this rock I will build my church"), and suggested that "one Peter is not enough", that "we too are a rock" and that St Peter is considered first in Mt 16 because no one had said to Jesus before: "You are Christ." But Martha does this in John 11:27.
Ricca also said that this was the first time in the "thousand-year history of this basilica" [dedicated in 1626] that a Waldensian pastor had spoken there, and suggested that this was the fulfilment of Isaiah ("new things") and St Paul ("first fruits of the Spirit").
He rejoiced that "the ecumenical church" was taking shape today, "right here in this basilica".
The next panel discussion in St Peter's Basilica will take place in January 2023.
A Catholic priest can no longer say Mass at a side altar in Saint Peter’s but a heretic can speak to an audience filling the nave. The thieves and traitors have seized the reigns of power.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider discovered the Roman Mass only after Summorum Pontificum (2007), he told @cjm-media and (interview recorded on November 17 below).
He explained that in the Roman Rite "I am actually only a servant" because every gesture and every step are prescribed in a very precise way.
His then Archbishop Jan Paweł Lenga, 72, of Karaganda knew that Schneider was celebrating the Roman Mass but showed no interest for this.
When Lenga resigned and returned to Poland in 2011, a priest offered to teach him to celebrate Mass and Lenga accepted. After his first Mass, he called Schneider and told him that the difference between the Mass and the Eucharist "is like heaven and earth.”
For Schneider, Francis' desire to abolish Mass is not realistic. Despite the current prohibitions and persecution, Roman Rite groups are growing, sometimes underground.
Francis supports on one hand a "diversity of religions" but on the other hand fights a "diversity of liturgical forms" in his own Church, Schneider observes: “That's a contradiction.”
He believes that Francis is "not against diversity," but “he has a contempt for the liturgical tradition of the Church and the Mass of almost all the saints and most of his predecessors.” For Schneider, “this contempt for tradition” is a problem and “not Catholic.”
Traditionis Custodes is for Schneider an ideological document and he doesn't think it will last long because it opposes the nature of the Church.
The priests may ignore TC, Schneider explains, "because it is an abuse of papal authority," opposes the tradition of the Church and an attack against a great treasure of the Church. Francis is destroying something that belongs to the universal Church.
Therefore, he would tell Francis, "With all due respect and love for you and your ministry, we cannot obey you in this point." And, "We will not obey you here, and your successors will reward us."
For Schneider, the Church is in an "enormous" and "extraordinary crisis" because "in the Vatican, to a large extent, the enemies of the Church call the shots."
“Their land is filled with silver and gold: and there is no end of their treasures. And their land is filled with horses: and their chariots are innumerable. Their land also is full of idols: they have adored the work of their own hands, which their own fingers have made. And man hath bowed himself down, and man hath been debased: therefore forgive them not.”
A sign for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration at headquarters in White Oak, Md., on July 20, 2020.
ByKatie Spence
November 28, 2022Updated: November 28, 2022
Boyden Gray & Associates filed a lawsuit in June on behalf of three doctors who allege the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) illegally interfered with their doctor-patient relationships, resulting in harm. They also claim the FDA broke the law when it put out statements prohibiting using ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
In response to the lawsuit, lawyers for the FDA claimed that the FDA’s guidance for people to “stop” taking ivermectin for COVID-19 was informal and just a recommendation. As such, they weren’t mandating against it.
But in an interview that aired on NTD’s Newsmakers on Nov. 23, Dr. Scott Atlas, a Senior Fellow in health care policy at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, confirmed that the FDA did, indeed, take an “unprecedented” approach against ivermectin and said that their defense is the FDA trying to rewrite COVID-19 history.
Lesson from the book of Isaias Isa 1:16-18 16 Wash yourselves, be clean, take away the evil of your devices from my eyes: cease to do perversely, 17 Learn to do well: seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge for the fatherless, defend the widow. 18 And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool.
In the season of Advent we prepare to celebrate the birth among us of He Who alone is Life eternal; life past, present and future without beginning or end. Life existing before us, now and ever after, world without end.
Before we can be born into the eternity that awaits us as a sharing in Life Himself, however, we must prepare to stand before Him as our judge when our earthly sojourn is through.
“In that time, Jesus said to his disciples: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations.” Luke 21:25-33
“Our Lord and Saviour wisheth to find us ready at His second coming. Therefore He telleth us what will be the evils of the world as it groweth old, that He may wean our hearts from worldly affections. Here we read what great convulsions will go before the end, that, if we will not fear God in our prosperity, we may at least be scourged into fearing His judgment when it is at hand.” (Homily by Pope St. Gregory the Great,)
Through repentance for sin, amendment of life and faithfulness to worship and prayer we receive the graces of forgiveness and holiness that are His gift.
With the joy made possible by love of Christ and obedience for Him as Lord here and now we can truly receive Him at Christmas in our annual celebration of His first coming at His birth in Bethlehem.
And we will look forward with grateful expectation to His second coming to judge the living and the dead when this life and this world are through.
As I look around and survey the general situation, things seem very bleak, as I’m sure they do also for many others. The world is at war, fighting and killing consuming lives, as well as livelihoods, homes, and wealth. Civilization is lost under the rubble as barbarism reigns. A war is waged in the womb as well as outside the womb, taking many lives every day. Poverty and hunger afflict so many. Inequity is a challenge for those who have yet to share more consistently with those who have not.
Politics seems ever to be a tearing down that overwhelms all attempts at building up. The current and rhythm of rise and fall, surge and ebb is a constant. More elections lost. Perhaps stolen. Evil forces seem to ever gain more worldly power. Abortion protections, fourth-trimester abortion and constitutional amendments have now passed in five states. Both parties in Congress are destroying marriage and family by advancing a “same-sex marriage” bill.
The enemy seems to be advancing in so many ways, using politics, using Church leaders to advance an evil agenda. There are many who urge us to see things differently, to close our eyes, to pretend everything is fine.
What hurts most is the ongoing attempt to destroy the Church on the part of those who have charge of protecting and defending her. Cardinal Mueller describes it as a “hostile takeover” of the Church by means of the endless synods. Bishop Mutsaerts in Holland has publicly condemned the “Synod on Synodality,” now extended through 2024. As reported by LifeSiteNews, he stated, “God is out of the picture in this vile synodal process,” adding that “the Holy Spirit has absolutely nothing to do with it.” He went on to say:
“Among the protagonists of this process are to me a few too many defenders of gay marriage, folks who don’t really think abortion is a problem and never really show themselves defenders of the Church’s rich creed, wanting above all to be liked by their secular surroundings.
Be aware of the danger of morally transgressive young men, who are attracted to traditional communities because of the seeming glamour of rebellion and who use these groups to both propagate their vices and attempt to conceal them from targeted females and their families. Through text messages and in other online social fora they share ideations of sexual, mental or emotional violation, along with other issues attendant upon abnormal psychology.
They move from community to community as they are discovered and forced to confront themselves. Rather than deal as a man with their transgressions in the Church with the means Christ provides they engage in avoidance behavior. This includes separating and isolating other traditionally sympathetic Catholics in order to continue to act out and/or avoid confronting their moral failings while surrounding themselves with the illusion of social acceptance and association.
One of the signs these individuals are at work is their effort to encourage the sin of schism by using episcopal sin, heresy, scandal or the novus ordo Mass as an excuse. Again, this is done with separation and isolation as an objective.
They prey in particular on individuals frightened by scandal and sin and who may already be self-isolating out of excessive fear and disgust.
Sometimes, as we tragically know all too well, some of these young men find their way into the priesthood.
“The fire will assay the quality of everyone’s work... If his work burns he will lose his reward, but himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” -1st Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians 3:13, 16
When Jesus was on earth, His divine attributes were disdained or blasphemed. His wisdom was often misunderstood, His providence not acknowledged, His will not followed. The souls in Purgatory now participate in His sufferings, seeing how they themselves disdained the divine attributes in refusing to recognize them, or at least to submit to them. In contemplating God in the light of the faith, they perceive that He is essentially Father. And they have so badly loved this Father who is so loving! For God, the venial sins of His children are in a certain way more wounding than the mortal insults of His enemies.
What then must be the cry of souls in Purgatory who see through the love of Jesus for His Father the ingratitude of their entire life!
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son... that the world might be saved through Him” (Jn. 3:16-17), and we too often forget this love of God for us, or else we doubt it. The Sacred Heart complained of this ingratitude to St. Margaret Mary in terms which have a divine fullness but even more an ineffable human accent: “I feel the ingratitude of souls more than all that I suffered during My Passion. If only they would make Me some return for My Love, I should think but little of all I have done for them and would wish, were it possible, to suffer still more. But the sole return they make for all My eagerness to do them good is to reject Me and treat Me with coldness.”
These words are the more poignant when we meditate on them at the foot of the cross, contemplating the agony of Jesus in body and soul. Think then how keenly the souls in Purgatory must realize their ingratitude toward their heavenly Father and toward Jesus, who suffered so much for them.
O Jesus, I will to make reparation for my ingratitude and compensate my failures to love by leading from now on a more fervent, more generous life.
O Lord, rebuke me not in Thy indignation, nor chastise me in Thy wrath. — Ps. 6:2
What sufferings there are in purgatory! What agonies! What regret! There, we must do rigorous penance! There, all is punished! There, nothing is forgotten, not even a useless word. O justice of God! — Fr. Emmanuel
1. To meditate for ten minutes on the sufferings of the souls in purga- tory in the light of the divine attributes: God’s wisdom, His power, His justice, His mercy. 2. To mark every hour of the day with the prayer, “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.” 3. To have a Mass celebrated for the souls in Purgatory who are most forgotten, and to assist at that Mass if possible.
'Among the protagonists of this process are to me a little too many defenders of gay marriage, folks who don't really think abortion is a problem and never really show themselves defenders of the Church's rich creed, wanting above all to be liked by their secular surroundings.'
(LifeSiteNews) – Bishop Robert Mutsaerts, the auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of ’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, has published a statement on his blog, commenting on the Synod on Synodality, especially its October 27 new working document “For a synodal Church: communio, participatio, mission,” which is calling for a female diaconate and uses the language of the LGBT agenda. He announced that he has left the synodal process.
In his statement (see full translation below, as kindly provided to LifeSite by Fr. Cor Mennen), Bishop Mutsaerts called this synodal process “vile.”
He states “God is out of the picture in this vile synodal process,” adding that “the Holy Spirit has absolutely nothing to do with it.” He went on to say:
Among the protagonists of this process are to me a few too many defenders of gay marriage, folks who don’t really think abortion is a problem and never really show themselves defenders of the Church’s rich creed, wanting above all to be liked by their secular surroundings.
Bishop Mutsaerts is not the only one to reject the happenings surrounding this synodal process that is to last until 2024. Cardinal Gerhard Müller called it a “hostile takeover of the Church of Jesus Christ” and invited Catholics to resist, comparing the current Church crisis with that of the 4th-century Arian crisis. He even said that, in light of the spreading of the LGBT agenda in the Church, “one does not have to obey an obviously heretical bishop just for reasons of formal fidelity.” Blind obedience such as this, he continued, “would be cadaveric obedience, which not only contradicts reason but also faith.”
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan, recently agreed with the German cardinal, pointing out that the process itself is steered and influenced by a certain agenda, calling it “manipulation” by churchmen “who push their own ideological agenda.”
Both Cardinal Mario Grech and Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, who have been called by Pope Francis to play leading roles in this synodal process, are promoters of the LGBT agenda – for example the approval of homosexuality – within the Catholic Church.
In response to these heterodox positions that are being aired and promoted during the synodal process, Bishop Mutsaerts remarks: “How unpastoral, how unloving. People want sincere answers. They don’t want to go home with more questions. You’re keeping people away from salvation.”
“I have since dropped out of the synodal process,” he concluded.
This sounds to me like the perfect curriculum vitae for one to lead our nation’s Catholic bishops. Thanks, John, for the perfect recommendation. You convinced me!
'Is it any wonder people like me and young people want to change their gender when we have normalization of this in our schools in this country?' asked Oli North.
(LifeSiteNews) – Last year, British social media influencer Oli London announced that he was trans-racial and would be henceforth identifying as Korean in imitation of his idol, the singer and K-pop star Park Jimin. To achieve this, he underwent a series of thirty grotesque plastic surgeries to morph himself into Jimin’s doppelganger, spending over $270,000. These surgeries and his own deeply felt identity, he announced to the world, meant that he was a non-binary Korean (later a woman), not a white Englishman.
He announced his “transition” in language that will, by now, be familiar to everyone in a video titled “My TRANSition story” (emphasis his):
I identify as Korean. That’s my culture. That’s my home country. That’s exactly how I look now. I also identify as Jimin, and that’s my career name. I know it’s a bit confusing for people—nobody’s ever come out as Korean, but this is something that you guys know if you’ve followed my journey. For the last eight years I’ve really struggled with identity issues, with who I am… I’ve finally gone through my racial transition surgery.
For obvious reasons, the media didn’t quite know what to do with London. Sure, he’s obviously…not a Korean or a K-pop star. But we have been collectively assured for years now that it is what is on the inside, not the outside, that counts. Indeed, that is precisely how London responded to some of the mocking he promptly encountered online: “If you can be transsexual you can also be TRANSRACIAL. Why are there such double standards & hypocrisy with people criticizing me for being Korean. It’s the same with someone who was born in the wrong body and wants to become a man or a woman. I was actually born in the wrong body!”
Well checkmate, bigots.
Now, Oli London is part of a new trend—scarcely a year after his announcement and after eight years of struggling with his identity, he is now de-transitioning. In an interview with Tucker Carlson, London stated that he has now converted to Christianity and that his fictitious identity had been a mistake; that the American culture wars have impacted young people everywhere; and that schools encourage children to “idolize weak men like Harry Styles,” a singer formerly a member of One Direction who has done photo shoots wearing a skirt.
Card. Burke: "Prophétis meis"
Non relíquit hóminem nocére eis: et corrípuit pro eis reges.
Nolíte tángere christos meos: et in prophétis meis nolíte malignári.
-- Sanctae Mariae in Sabbat...