Connor Michael Cusick (5lbs,12 ounces, 19 inches) and Chloe Louise Cusick (5lbs, 3 ounces, 19 inches) entered the outside world at 5:37 pm and 5:39 pm. respectively, today at Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando. While soon to be registered Republicans, they won't be permitted to vote for our next President. They were shocked to learn that their share of the National Debt is $46,961.56 each. Mother, Veronica, and babies are fine. Father, Peter, is soon to be very busy. Grandparents, Michael and Marianne, can't believe they are old enough to be grandparents and will also be very busy soon. |
On The Wonder of the Word of God – A Homily for the Third Sunday of the Year
The gospel for this Sunday is continued next week, so I will postpone the
analysis of it until then. Instead, I will focus on the first reading, from
1 week ago