The Church has understood this text as referring to the Eucharist. But the teaching is not a denegration of the Canaanite woman who has enough faith to ask for the healing of her daughter. It is, rather, an invitation for her to continue along the path to becoming a daughter of God in the fullest sense.
This happens for everyone when they take the gifts of the Lord in the proper order: profession of faith and baptism for adults or religious education with Sunday worship following upon baptism for infants.
Incorporation into the Body of the Lord, the Church, through faith is necessary before one can feast as a child at the table with the family of the Lord.
“The unity of the Mystical Body: the Eucharist makes the Church. Those who receive the Eucharist are united more closely to Christ. Through it Christ unites them to all the faithful in one body - the Church. Communion renews, strengthens, and deepens this incorporation into the Church, already achieved by Baptism. In Baptism we have been called to form but one body. The Eucharist fulfills this call: ‘The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread:’ " (CCC 1396)
The Bountiful Blessings of Baptism—A Homily for the Baptism of the Lord
Today’s Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is a moment to reflect not only on
the Lord’s Baptism but on our own. In an extended sense, when Christ is
5 days ago
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