Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Trads dodging a bullet with Trump

Júdica me, Deus, et discérne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab hómine iníquo et dolóso érue me.
 Quia tu es, Deus, fortitúdo mea: quare me repulísti, et quare tristis incédo, dum afflígit me inimícus?
 Emítte lucem tuam et veritátem tuam: ipsa me deduxérunt, et adduxérunt in montem sanctum tuum et in tabernácula tua.
 Et introíbo ad altáre Dei: ad Deum, qui lætíficat juventútem meam.
 Confitébor tibi in cíthara, Deus, Deus meus: quare tristis es, ánima mea, et quare contúrbas me?
 Spera in Deo, quóniam adhuc confitébor illi: salutáre vultus mei, et Deus meus.

It is not for nothing that holy Mass begins with these words of prayer by the just man, fearing God and beseiged on all sides by the enemies of the One he serves and to Whom he gives all credit for strength in battle. He fights with a goal, for the greatest of all possible hopes: final joy in the eternal presence of the Holy One.

One doesn’t wish to “jump the gun” as it were, except if the weapon from which it issues is trained at one’s own head. But it may not be too early to celebrate dodging a bullet together with the former and possibly future president.

It’s now nearly riposo hour in Rome and still no assassin’s bullet of  yet another ultimately impotent document issuing from the spiritual cretans inhabiting the seats of power. The rumored ban of the TLM will, however, continue to be advanced through a low-decibel war of attrition along the lines of what we have already witnessed. Sometimes the attack is aided by journalists who alternately pose as friends of the Faith.

As well, official Vatican documents are typically issued by noon Rome time.

Just like a man almost felled by a bullet to the head in Pennsylvania on Saturday, anniversary of a Fatima apparition, we may be bowed and bloody but we too must rise and, with hands aloft toward Almighty from Whom comes our help, steel ourselves and all those of good will to “Fight!”

We mourn for those who fall injured, perhaps mortally, in the midst of combat. We pray for them. But far more by a factor of infinitude is to be feared the immortal danger of losing one’s Faith and thus eternal salvation. This is the reason for which we struggle on and never give up. This is why we rise each time however we may fall.

When the enemies of God bring the fight then we who faithfully take His part on Earth must engage the battle.


Deus, qui beatíssimæ semper Vírginis et Genetrícis tuæ Maríæ singulári título Carméli órdinem decorásti: concéde propítius; ut, cujus hódie Commemoratiónem sollémni celebrámus offício, ejus muníti præsídiis, ad gáudia sempitérna perveníre mereámur:
Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre, in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!

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