Sunday, July 28, 2024

Miracle in Malaga: Bishop defends priest who delayed child’s Baptism because parents don’t attend Sunday Mass

A Miracle: A Bishop Who Didn't (!) Betray His Priest

The incredible story happened in the diocese of Malaga, Spain, where a priest had delayed the baptism of a baby girl, writes (17 July).

Media activists of Málaga Hoy stirred up controversy by complaining about the "strict criteria" applied by the parish priest of Benamargosa in the administration of sacraments such as Baptism and First Communion.

A year ago, a resident of the village approached the priest to ask him to baptise her daughter.

The priest allegedly "refused", saying that the woman did not regularly attend the Sunday Eucharist.

Other residents of Benamargosa also allegedly complained that the priest used "personal criteria" to "deny" the sacraments to the "faithful".

In reality, the priest neither "refused" nor "denied". He explained to Málaga Hoy that "a sacrament can never be refused; it can be postponed until the person requesting it fulfils the necessary conditions".

Unbelievably, the diocese responded with a statement assuring that "the Diocese of Málaga has always maintained that the parish priest is the only interlocutor, since he is the one who knows best the situation of these families".

In the case of the mother who requested the baptism of her daughter, the parish priest informed the bishop and always stated that, according to the Church's regulations, there was no "well-founded hope" that the child would be raised in the Catholic religion.

In such cases, baptism must be postponed and the parents informed of the reason" (CIC Canon 868).

He has made this known to the parents, with whom he has a close relationship.

Picture: Msgr. Jesús Esteban Catalá Ibáñez, Malaga, #newsMunicoojlp

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