Rev. Victor Hugo Rea of St. Antonio Church in Saltillo, Mexico, wanted to make the (boring?) Eucharist more interesting. He bought a doll, brought it to the Eucharist, called it his "altar boy" and used it as a ventriloquist to terrify the congregation.
The Novus Ordo priest didn't know that the doll had a demonic background. It was a replica of Willie Puppet, a 'possessed' puppet from an episode of the 1960s American series 'The Twilight Zone'.
After the scandal spread on social media, Rev. Rea apologised, saying he had not known the origin and meaning of his "altar boy".
Monsignor Hilario González, Bishop of Saltillo, assured local media that the priest would no longer use the doll during the Eucharist.
Card. Burke: "Prophétis meis"
Non relíquit hóminem nocére eis: et corrípuit pro eis reges.
Nolíte tángere christos meos: et in prophétis meis nolíte malignári.
-- Sanctae Mariae in Sabbat...
Cathedræ S. Petri Romæ ~ Duplex majus
*Commemoratio: S. Antonii Abbatis*
*Vespera de sequenti; commemoratio de præcedenti*
*Oratio* {ex Proprio Sanctorum}
*℣.* Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam...
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