Pope Francis Suffers a Setback, Inhaling Vomit
They’re telling his sister and the cardinals things they’re not telling us, hence the incoming flurry of visitors.
To wit:
Pope Francis' sister has arrived in Rome
I think this is the first time she has visited her brother since he became pope
She hasn't wanted to travel because of her own poor health, so things must be very serious regarding Pope Francis' prognosis.
"Sources at Fiumicino airport report that in recent days, Pope Francis' sister, Maria Elena Bergoglio, arrived in Rome. On the very day of Maria Elena's arrival, a great many cardinals arrived in no particular order, along with diplomats and Swiss guards who had already begun arriving in Rome the previous week, when the first rumors about Bergoglio’s serious health conditions emerged. Everything seems ready. The stage is already being set up."
(Source: @ProtecttheFaith on Twitter/X.)
Feb 27
Fonti dell'aeroporto di Fiumicino riferiscono che nei giorni scorsi è giunta a Roma la sorella di papa Francesco, Maria Elena Bergoglio. Il giorno stesso dell'arrivo di Maria Elena sono arrivati tantissimi cardinali in ordine sparso, diplomatici, e guardie svizzere che avevano
Let us pray,
for the Pope
O God, the shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, graciously look upon thy servant Francis, who thou hast willed to be chief pastor of thy Church; grant him we beseech thee, by word and example to profit those over whom he rules, that together with the flock entrusted to him, he may attain to life everlasting.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.
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