p/c New Liturgical Movement, NBC.

The priest sunders with unbloody cut the body and blood of the Lord, using his voice as a sword.—St. Gregory Nazianzen.

The above is a quote from an Eastern Church Father (recognized as a saint by both the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Christians.) St. Gregory in that quote means that the dual consecration at Mass (the bread becoming the body and the wine becoming the blood) effects a mystical and unbloody separation of the body and blood. This is because it happens in two separate sets of consecration.

In a mystical way, this separation of blood from body somehow comprises the fact that the Mass is a sacrifice.  Indeed, all sacrifice is made up of blood being removed from a body at at least some point.  This may be why before Vatican II, when a priest was going to Mass, he might often whisper to another priest that he was “going to do holy violence to God.”  Those are shocking terms to even pious modernists who get a lot of mileage about “the True Presence” but rarely speak about the Mass as an unbloody sacrifice.

It seems only the Traditional Latin Mass (and the Eastern Rite Divine Liturgies) maintain that sacrificial notion, again, that “the priest sunders with unbloody cut the body and blood of the Lord, using his voice as a sword.” What this means is that the sacrifice of the Mass is the exact same sacrifice as Calvary because it’s the exact same victim, Jesus Christ the Innocent. It happens in an unbloody manner.

Today, the two most violent things happening in the world are abortion and child sex-slavery. These also include an innocent victim in sacrifice.  But this sacrifice is to Satan, not to God.  In both child-slavery and abortion, there is an unholy separation of the blood of the child from the body of the child. This is why Satanists and Democrats promote abortion and open-borders: It keep children afresh for sacrifice to demons.

Of course, many Democrats do not realize which infernal spirits are behind their “pro-choice” or “pro-immigration” tenets of alleged-compassion, but we do.  Trump also his problems in understanding the spiritual world.  For example, the fact that Trump is pro-IVF means he technically promotes bothabortion and trafficking.  (The difference with Trump, however, is that he is moving farther away from this dual sacrifice every year.  And because the trajectory of Trump’s life seems to be trending towards the good, this is why I will work with him.)

Because abortion and trafficking of children are central to the lives of Satanists like never before in history, we must return to the Traditional Latin Mass in order to make reparation for such sins.  This is also to stop abortion and trafficking.  The Novus Ordo is apparently the sacrifice of Calvary, too, but all vocabulary of sacrifice has been extricated from it by Paul VI, Bugnini and the Protestants and freemasons who wrote it.  (This is evidenced by the open and public history of Vatican II, not by any “conspiracy theory among rad-trads.”)

To offer the Traditional Latin Mass is the best thing we can do to stave-off and eventually stop both child sex-slavery and abortion. With Satanists becoming as serious as ever about human sacrifice to their demons, we Catholics need to return to the Sacrifice of the Mass as it has always been done in Apostolic times.  Only the power of the TLM can stop Planned Parenthood and child-traffickers.  We priests should offer that One Innocent Lamb to God in order to save the lives of so many children who are slated to be innocent sacrificial lambs to satan.

It is little wonder then why most child-abusing criminals in the Catholic hierarchy today despise the Traditional Latin Mass.