He was accompanied by one of his younger brothers. One day, after an 80-year-old priest had celebrated Mass, the little boy asked Contardo: "How is it that such an old priest says during Mass: 'ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam' ['to God who gives joy to my youth']?
Blessed Contardo, clapping his hand on his little brother's shoulder, replied: "You must know, dear Giovanni, that whoever is in God's grace is always young!
Holy Mass "has its own austerity, no rhythmic, ephemeral music is allowed", while in the Novus Ordo Eucharist "anything goes", comments ITreSentieri.it (29 November).
The blog continues: "On the one hand there is the seriousness of the sacred, on the other the trivialisation of the sacred".
The seriousness of the sacred does not cancel out the profane, but sublimates it: "The trivialisation of the sacred, on the other hand, is overwhelmed by the profane, until it becomes the true 'protagonist'".
As a result, time overcomes the eternal, "and with it the sadness that all this entails". And: "It is the world that triumphs with its failures".
Holy Mass is filled with Christian joy, while the Novus Ordo Eucharist "is profoundly sad and, with guitars and drums, seems to tell people to rely on the world, with its clumsy noises and stupid music, rather than on the One who has overcome the world and on its melodious silences".
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