Wednesday, November 13, 2024

“Fear not, little flock.”

 From the Holy Gospel according to Luke

Luke 12:32-35
At that time, Jesus said unto His disciples: Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. And so on.

Homily by the Venerable Bede, Priest at Jarrow, and Doctor of the Church.
Bk. iv. Ch. 54 on Luke xii.
The elect are called a little flock, perchance because the reprobate are far more in number than they, but, more probably, because they love to be lowly, since it is God's will that however much His Church should grow in numbers, she should grow with lowliness even unto the end of the world, and should enter lowly into that kingdom which is hers by His promise. That kingdom He promiseth to her here, when He biddeth her to seek only the kingdom of God, and, to comfort her in her travail, He doth so sweetly and so graciously say that her Father will give it to her.

1 comment:

Mystica Fennica said...

The flock may be called little just by considering the number of disciples mentioned in the Holy Gospels. For example the Twelve Apostles or the 70 or 72 disciples in St. Luke 10. Some of the disciples even left Jesus Christ in St. John 6.

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