Bishop Strickland: God will punish bishops for their silence while Pope Francis destroys the Church
Bishop Joseph Strickland strongly rebuked ‘silent’ US bishops in a powerful letter outside the USCCB meeting in Baltimore, warning them that God will punish those who do not speak out against ‘false messages constantly flowing from the Vatican’ under Pope Francis.
Card. Burke: "Prophétis meis"
Non relíquit hóminem nocére eis: et corrípuit pro eis reges.
Nolíte tángere christos meos: et in prophétis meis nolíte malignári.
-- Sanctae Mariae in Sabbat...
Dominica I in Quadragesima
Sun, 3/9/25:
Today is the 1st Sunday in Lent under the 1954 (semi-double Sunday of the I
class) and 1962 (I class Sunday) rubrics. Mass: Proper Mass. Stat...