Sunday, April 7, 2024

Fr Krupp on Thomas Reese, SJ


How many parishes has Fr. Reese served at? How many parishes is he currently serving at? Not as a Sacramental minister but as a pastor or associate. How many hospitals visits a week does he do? How many hours of confessions does he hear every week? How about nursing homes? How many did he visit this week? How many weddings or baptisms has he done in say the last month? I ask these things because he doesn’t write like a parish priest at all. He doesn’t write like someone who has any experience in the parish. This sort of thinking and writing is perfectly indicative of much of the hierarchy today: experts in theory, novices on lived practice.
Streaming the Eucharist online for the world to watch or broadcasting it on television is an abomination, writes Jesuit @ThomasReeseSJ. It is akin to showing video of people eating a meal to people who are starving.

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