Remember the old saying, "The customer is always right"? When it comes to Faith I believe that well-worn adage holds true. If a parishioner says a simple phone call can restore Faith then I say, whenever in doubt, make the call.
God uses simple human contact to bring us into an experience of His compassion and love. All we need to do is to cooperate with His grace and miracles can happen.
A story from Fox News about a woman who called the Vatican after her son died to say that she lost her Faith makes the point well:
"On Friday, weeks after Nicolo made the call, she awoke at 6:40 a.m. to find a missed call and voice message on the cellphone sitting in her living room from a man — speaking in accented English — who identified himself as a representative from the Vatican.
"The voice of an older man, who Nicolo believes is the Pope, can be heard in the background at the beginning of the recording.
"A Vatican spokesman could not immediately confirm if it was indeed His Holiness in the background on Nicolo’s message, but she is taking it on faith.
“' I missed it by 10 minutes,' she said. 'I couldn’t believe it. I had to play it several times.'
" 'I’ve always loved my faith, but when your child is taken, you can’t help but question it,' said Nicolo, who described herself as a devout Catholic. 'It renewed my faith and belief in God.'
"After receiving comfort from the Holy See, her faith has been restored.
“ 'I want him to know I love him. He has helped me so much in my time of grief. There are no words to describe what this phone call has done for me.' "
On The Wonder of the Word of God – A Homily for the Third Sunday of the Year
The gospel for this Sunday is continued next week, so I will postpone the
analysis of it until then. Instead, I will focus on the first reading, from
12 hours ago
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