Serious Worship Evangelizes
Sunday a new young man came in and sat near the back for the traditional Latin Mass. After the Mass he departed by the side door so I chased him down before he got to his car. He told me his name is P., he just moved to our area, is Lutheran and considering taking RCIA to enter the Church.
The town where he lives is about an hour away. Why did he drive that distance, bypassing several churches, to worship with us? I think it is because the historic worship of the Church is seen as a more serious encounter with our ancient Faith.
People from outside the Church expect our worship to look more like 2,000 years old than something dated 1968.
The "old "things from our Catholic storehouse are necessary for the wisdom to accept the invitation to the Kingdom of God in these "new" times so full of challenge, doubt and lack of faith.
Of course, I welcomed P., told him we'd love to have him join us and gave him a copy of the bulletin.
Biblical Basics about Mother Mary – A Homily for the Second Sunday of the
In this Sunday’s Gospel passage of the wedding feast at Cana, there is a
theological portrait of both Mother Mary and prayer. Let’s look at the
Gospel al...
1 day ago
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