The Lord will never disappoint, will never abandon us.
We fail ourselves if we neglect or disdain to make the simple daily movement of prayer, the simple request once more, to be released from bondage to obsessive thoughts or desires or images.
God can purify us of every evil of imagination and memory and give us the pristine and joyful radiance of new life. He will give us back again the freedom through grace by which we dismiss as powerless over us the vain imaginings and thoughts which threaten to reduce us once again to bondage in fear.
But let us never fail to ask him! Let us never shrink from the radical outpouring of the most intense prayer and supplication! Let us flee from every malign influence and immerse ourselves in the sea of grace and holy influences and blessed companionship that are ours in abundance in holy mother Church. May Jesus Christ be praised! My Jesus mercy!
-- ((((..))))
Children Go Where I Send Thee – A Homily for the 5th Sunday of the Year
This Sunday’s Gospel describes the call of Simon Peter, one that takes
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4 weeks ago
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