First entry: "Observe how this piece of paper contrasts dramatically with the color of the sky when it is held up for the purpose of drawing attention to it."
Card. Burke: "Prophétis meis"
Non relíquit hóminem nocére eis: et corrípuit pro eis reges.
Nolíte tángere christos meos: et in prophétis meis nolíte malignári.
-- Sanctae Mariae in Sabbat...
S. Valentini Presbyteri et Martyris ~ Simplex
*Scriptura: Feria VI infra Hebdomadam V post Epi*
Friday Feb 14:
Today is the feast of St. Valentine, Pr & M, under the 1954 (simple)
"'Smurf'! 'Smurf'! Limousine service for 'Smurf'!"
(Meanwhile, the woman at left in the multi-colored scarf looks down at some nearly-trampled Smurfs...)
"Okay, when I hold this up, everyone else look down."
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