Sunday, October 13, 2024

BREAKING: The nation’s fourth-largest Catholic healthcare system has been caught mutilating kids through gender transition surgeries—violating the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Trans Industry Exposed. 

It’s hard to imagine it. But it’s happening.

Today, our friends at Do No Harm – leaders in the fight against transgender ideology – released shocking figures revealing the exact numbers of children in our country who have been mutilated by so-called “gender surgeries.”

Between 2019 and 2023, thousands of children under 18 suffered the permanent mutilation of their reproductive organs – and even more ingested drugs to block puberty.

And hundreds of them were “patients” at Catholic hospitals. 

The receipts don’t lie: 170 children were subjected to transgender surgeries – and 508 children received cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers – at Catholic hospitals over the last five years alone.

CONTEXT: We’ve poured over the data. If there is any good news, it’s that only a small number of procedures were performed on minors at many Catholic hospitals. In fact, in many cases, the data shows that often it was just one child. 

We are hopeful that means hospital leadership stepped in after learning about that one procedure and told the offending doctor, “We don’t do that here because it’s bad medicine, a violation of human dignity, and unacceptable in our faith.”

But for a handful of Catholic hospitals, there is a clear pattern of abuse. The most egregious example is Providence Health, the fourth-largest Catholic health system in the US, with a significant presence on the West Coast, which appears to have performed trans surgeries on nearly 100 children and prescribed dangerous hormones or puberty blockers to hundreds more. 

Hearing this is not just a massive scandal. It also made me angry. And I’m sure it makes you angry too. 

Christ had strong words for this kind of evil: “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea (Matthew 18:6).”

I’ll reveal something else: We knew this data was coming. We’ve been working on uncovering the truth behind this abuse of children for some time. And we wanted to make sure we got it right.

Read the rest:

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