Sunday, August 18, 2024

Girl branded ‘delusional’ for wanting to live is exonerated by court a year after her death

 Simon Caldwell

A patient branded “delusional” by doctors after she rejected their plan to end her life on a death pathway has been exonerated by a court almost a year after she died.

Sudiksha Thirumalesh, a 19-year-old student, instructed her lawyers to get her out of the UK when doctors gave up hope that she would recover sufficiently to be moved from the ventilator that kept her alive.

She died last September shortly after the Court of Protection sided with doctors at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust who wanted to put her on palliative care even though she told a treating psychiatrist: “I want to die trying to live … we have to try everything.”

The Court of Protection concluded that she did not have mental capacity to make her own decisions simply because she rejected the opinions of the doctors, saying her “complete inability to accept the medical reality of her position, or to contemplate the possibility that her doctors may be giving her accurate information, is likely to be the result of an impairment of, or a disturbance in the functioning of, her mind or brain”.

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