Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The novus ordo has seriously damaged the Catholic faith


Tucho Hides Behind Pseudo Subtleties and Damages Vatican Authority - Martin Mosebach

The Novus Ordo has seriously damaged the Catholic faith, Martin Mosebach told (23 December).

He explains that tradition is the very essence of the Church, not a "burden". As a result of the Novus Ordo, Mosebach sees a "Protestantisation" and "democratisation" of the rite.

As a result, in Germany "there is no longer any difference between the denominations in matters of faith".

On many Eucharistic tables, the crucifix has been replaced by a microphone "which makes the priest's voice echo into the farthest corner, so that no one forgets him" [not exactly a sign of "democratisation"], while in the Roman Mass "the priest disappears as a person" [a true "democratisation"].

Mosebach also explains that the explanation of the faith should take place outside the liturgy, whereas today it doesn't happen at all. Therefore, the Germans who attend the Eucharist have only a vague knowledge of the Creed.

The ideologues who pushed for the Novus Ordo wanted to promote the "access of the masses" to the liturgy, but this hope has been dashed as "the masses" have run away: "The abandonment of religious practice began with the changes after the Second Vatican Council, because the Mass had finally lost its magnetism."

For Mosebach, Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Fiducia supplicans" follows the "bad practice already used in the documents of the Second Vatican Council". It mixes rupture and tradition, while claiming that the Church's teaching remains "intact".

Mosebach analyses that Tucho hides behind "pseudo subtleties" such as the invention of "different classes of blessings" and concludes that certain "cunning tactics" are particularly damaging to the authority of the Holy See.

Picture: Martin Mosebach © Das Blaue Sofa / Bertelsmann, CC BY-ND#newsGgqdgztnoa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"This is why I persist, and if you wish to know the real reason for my persistence, it is this. At the hour of my death, when Our Lord asks me: "What have you done with your episcopate, what have you done with your episcopal and priestly grace?" I do not want to hear from his lips the terrible words "You have helped to destroy the Church along with the rest of them." (p. 163)
Marcel Lefebvre, Open Letter to Confused Catholics

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