Tuesday, July 11, 2023

They are coming for our children

A few weeks ago, homosexual/trans men and women matched in New York City chanting that they are coming from our children.

Two years ago, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir sang a song about coming for our children.

Perverts in dresses make smutty poses and prostitutes in front of the youngest of children. They call it Drag Queen Story Hour.

They say it is their right to have access to our children. If you complain, you are labeled a bigot.

Homosexual/trans teachers want to put your sons in dresses and call them Susie, all without your knowing.

I mentioned this in a message to you a few years ago, and I was labeled a hater. This is now on my Wikipedia page! Even though what I said was true!

They ARE coming for our children. THEY SAY SO THEMSELVES!


At the United Nations, we are in the beginning stages of negotiating something called the Global Digital Compact that includes language about hate speech and gender ideology.

What this means is that you can be punished even for complaining about homosexual/trans access to your kids.

You can be punished for opposing their ideology.

You can be punished for keeping your kids away from these monsters.

And you should understand that UN leftists are negotiating this treaty with the help of the tech oligarchs, Google, Apple, and others. And you can be sure that the national security state is involved. FBI, CIA, NSA and others.

They want to make illegal just such communications as I am sending to you today!

We have plenty to worry about. But C-Fam is on this. We have been on this issue for years. We are on this negotiation every single day.

What is it worth to you that C-Fam spends time and treasure to say close to such an evil negotiation? To protect your children or your grandchildren, I suspect quite a bit.

C-Fam is almost alone in fighting this issue at the UN.

But we are highly effective. We have already built a coalition of UN Member States we are working with. We will work to stop this evil with everything we’ve got, with every fiber of our being.

But we cannot do it without your prayers, your daily prayers. And we cannot do it without your financial support, your SACRIFICIAL financial support.

Donate to the great work of C-FAM and Austin Ruse here: https://c-fam.org/contribute/donate/

Our summer funding is way down. Folks are on vacation, having fun with their kids and grandkids. They turn their gaze away from the evils that are creeping in all around us. But C-Fam does not go on vacation. Someone in our office is always on call, always watching and working to block the evil.

Austin Ruse

PS Remember, they are doing this with Google, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and all the rest. We are in grave danger

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