Fight the Ideolog of Gender in our County Schools: Attend and witness at the School Board Meeting on Tuesday, August 9th at 3:30 pm (not at 6 pm as originally scheduled).
Dear parents and all members of our Charles County community,
I am asking for your prayers and active participation against the current transgender policy in Charles County Public Schools. Even if you do not have children in the school system, I urge you to come and pray with us as we stand united in upholding truth.
Thanks in part to your support and participation on June 14th, concerned county residents of all faiths filled the Charles County School Board room resulting in a Board action to readdress the issue of transgendered student use of bathrooms of their choosing regardless of their biological sex at the August 9th Board meeting.
In addition to twice drawing local media attention and a number of editorials, we were contacted by two members of the School Board. It was suggested by one member that we aim to fill the room to overcapacity on August 9th in order to garner enough attention which may possibly spur discussion at a State level.
I would ask your assistance in disseminating this request as widely as possible. Contact your pastors and get them involved. Further, I would ask your help to ensure we pack the next School Board Meeting to overflowing on Tuesday, August 9th at 3:30 (3:00 pm for Public Forum statements) at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building, 5980 Radio Station Road., La Plata to express our displeasure at this intrusion on our beliefs.
Also, I would ask that you prayerfully consider making an up to 3-minute Public Forum statement. You will need to arrive by 3:00 p.m. to sign up to speak. We will also gather at 2:00 to pray the rosary beforehand in front of the Starkey Building.
Attached at the end of this email is the letter sent out to all Charles County School parents for your reference.
In Christ,
Biblical Basics about Mother Mary – A Homily for the Second Sunday of the
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2 days ago
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