Tuesday, August 13, 2024

‘Theatre of Satan’: Cardinal Burke condemns Last Supper parody in Paris

 The Catholic Herald

Cardinal Raymond Burke has become one of the highest-ranking Catholic Church officials to address the “abominable mockery” during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics when a parody of the Last Supper was performed with drag queens and LGBT individuals representing Christ and the Apostles.

He made his remarks about “an unbelievable manifestation of the darkness and sin in our world” during a homily given on 31 July to mark the 16th Anniversary of the dedication of the Church at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe at La Crosse in Wisconsin.

In addition to addressing the particular incident and manifestation that caused so much shock and consternation throughout the Catholic Church, he also analysed its place in the wider context of what has become of France, with a culture “beset with the darkness and sin which is ever more given place in the world and even in the Church” and which cooperates with “the father of all lies”.

The cardinal also highlighted that what occurred in Paris was but one of many other manifestations permitted in modern secular society “of attacks on human life and its cradle in the family created by the marriage of a man and a woman, and attacks on religion itself and its free exercise”.


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