Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Join Protest at the Embassy of France

Join the peaceful protest against the vile blasphemy of “The Last Supper” at the Paris 2024 Olympics. The Last Supper was mocked with incredible obscenity during the opening ceremony.

Our Lord was depicted as an obese, tattooed, and semi-naked woman, and His “apostles” were represented as drag queens in offensive and immoral postures.

Protest! Join faithful Catholics for a prayerful rosary and protest.

Where: Embassy of France in Washington

4101 Reservoir Rd NW, Washington, DC 20007

When: Saturday, Aug. 3. From 2:30 to 3:30 PM.

Why: To make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Bring your rosary.  Bring a friend.  Like the Virgin Mary, Saint John, Saint Veronica, and Simon of Cyrene, we must stand at the foot of the Cross and make reparation to God in these dark times.

Prepare for possibility of martyrdom: “… indifference, ridicule, and persecution“


Featured Image
Cardinal Raymond BurkeWikimedia Commons, Flickr

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ASBURY, New Jersey (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Raymond Burke called on Catholics to prepare for the possibility of martyrdom for remaining faithful to Christ. 

On July 13th, Cardinal Burke delivered a stirring homily at the World Apostolate of Fatima in Asbury, New Jersey, reminding Catholics to sacrifice for the conversion of sinners according to the message of Our Lady of Fatima. 

“The instruction of the Mother of God resounds in our hearts today as we live in a world which is ever more beset by the rebellion against God and His plan for our eternal salvation through the Redemptive Incarnation of God the Son,” he declared.

Cardinal Burke’s homily was delivered at the Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary hosted by the Knights of Columbus in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, and Our Lady’s Blue Army, a lay group that works to spread the Fatima message. 

The cardinal referenced the Fatima apparition to the three young children, Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto and Venerable Lucia dos Santos, that took place on July 13, 1917. 

Cardinal Burke compared the vision of hell to “the rebellion within the Church herself, in apostasy from Christ, from the Apostolic Tradition.”

During the apparition, the Blessed Virgin requested that the children pray the Holy Rosary daily and offer sacrifices for the reparation of sins. Our Lady gave the children a vision of hell, where those who reject Christ burn for eternity.  

Cardinal Burke compared the vision of hell to “the rebellion within the Church herself, in apostasy from Christ, from the Apostolic Tradition by which Christ continues to teach, sanctify, and guide us along the way of our earthly pilgrimage to our eternal home in Heaven.” 


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Italy Offers Women 1,000 Euros a Month if They Reject Abortion, Keep Their Baby

International  |  Steven Ertelt  |   Jul 19, 2024   |   1:16PM   |  Washington, DC

Italy faces a crisis. Its declining birth rates that have fallen far below what is needed to sustain a population and an economy.

So it’s government has found a solution: Financial incentives to encourage women to not have abortions. Banning abortion and protecting unborn children would make more sense. But Italy’s solution could help women, save babies and help the European nation’s population at the same time.

And it involves paying women $1,000 Euros a month if they reject abortion and keep their baby. Here’s more:

Prime minister Georgia Meloni (of Fratelli d’Italia) made headlines in June when she managed to exclude abortion from the final declaration of the G7 summit, despite the reluctance of countries such as Canada and France, which have made voluntary terminations of pregnancy an untouchable policy issue.

In the Mediterranean country, abortion is regulated through the Law 194 of 1978, which gives free access to a voluntary termination of pregnancy in the first 90 days of gestation.

Although the Italian leader said she does not plan to change the law, she has also underlined the “prevention of abortion” as a priority. Since April, pro-life groups are allowed to share their views in health centers.

Now, the leader in the Senate of Forza Italia (a minor party in the Meloni’s government coalition) wants to try another pro-life initiative.

Maurizio Gasparri presented the idea of supporting women who decide not to end their pregnancy with 1,000 euros a month during the first 5 years of life of the child.

The “Maternity Income Bill” would only apply to women who earn less than 15,000 euros a year.

The goal, said Gasparri, is to develop Article 5 of the Italian law on abortion, which states: “[…] When the request for termination of pregnancy is motivated by the impact of economic, social, or family circumstances upon the pregnant women’s health, to examine possible solutions to the problems in consultation with the woman”. 



Monday, July 29, 2024

Protest Fr. Martin’s Pro-LGBTQ Summit on Catholic Campus

Join faithful Catholics in prayerful protest to oppose Fr. James Martin’s summit titled “Outreach 2024: LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference” at Georgetown University.


Saturday, August 3, 2024.


Georgetown University

37th St NW & O St NW

Washington, D.C.


12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM

Not only does Fr. Martin support transgenderism for children, but he also endorses blasphemous “Pride Masses,” blessings for sinful unions, and sacrilegious “rainbow rosaries.” In short, his message is this: “Accept homosexuality. Subvert the Church.”

Unfortunately, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., is scheduled to celebrate Mass at the pro-homosexual event.

-- Join this prayerful and peaceful protest.

-- Bring your rosary.

-- Bring a friend. 

For more information, contact John at 717-495-5427.

More background:

10 Ways Fr. Martin is Harming the Faith

20,570 Faithful Ask Card. Gregory to Cancel Fr. Martin's Pro-LGBT Conference

The Cruelty of Wokeness: Elon Nails It


Sunday, July 28, 2024


In reparation join traditional Catholics, and others of  good will, this Sunday, July 28, at home or at the end of each Mass celebrated in our places of worship, with recitation of the prayer of the De Profundis, Psalm 129, followed by the 

De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine; 

Domine, exaudi vocem meam. Fiant aures tuae intendentes in vocem deprecationis meae. 

Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine, Domine, quis sustinebit? 

Quia apud te propitiatio est; et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine. Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus: 

speravit anima mea in Domino. 

A custodia matutina usque ad noctem, speret Israel in Domino. 

Quia apud Dominum misericordia, et copiosa apud eum redemptio. 

Et ipse redimet Israel ex omnibus iniquitatibus ejus.


Domine, parce populo tuo: ne in aeternum irascaris


Miracle in Malaga: Bishop defends priest who delayed child’s Baptism because parents don’t attend Sunday Mass

A Miracle: A Bishop Who Didn't (!) Betray His Priest

The incredible story happened in the diocese of Malaga, Spain, where a priest had delayed the baptism of a baby girl, writes (17 July).

Media activists of Málaga Hoy stirred up controversy by complaining about the "strict criteria" applied by the parish priest of Benamargosa in the administration of sacraments such as Baptism and First Communion.

A year ago, a resident of the village approached the priest to ask him to baptise her daughter.

The priest allegedly "refused", saying that the woman did not regularly attend the Sunday Eucharist.

Other residents of Benamargosa also allegedly complained that the priest used "personal criteria" to "deny" the sacraments to the "faithful".

In reality, the priest neither "refused" nor "denied". He explained to Málaga Hoy that "a sacrament can never be refused; it can be postponed until the person requesting it fulfils the necessary conditions".

Unbelievably, the diocese responded with a statement assuring that "the Diocese of Málaga has always maintained that the parish priest is the only interlocutor, since he is the one who knows best the situation of these families".

In the case of the mother who requested the baptism of her daughter, the parish priest informed the bishop and always stated that, according to the Church's regulations, there was no "well-founded hope" that the child would be raised in the Catholic religion.

In such cases, baptism must be postponed and the parents informed of the reason" (CIC Canon 868).

He has made this known to the parents, with whom he has a close relationship.

Picture: Msgr. Jesús Esteban Catalá Ibáñez, Malaga, #newsMunicoojlp

Paris Olympics: just one more excuse to turn off the tube



Vatican Official Protests Olympics at French Embassy

The Paris Olympics are facing a massive condemnation after an apparent homosexual mockery of the Last Supper. Even many bishops are among the critics. Selected statements.

Homosexual activist Charles Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta and also an adjunct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, sent a message to the French ambassador in Malta: "I would like to express my distress and great disappointment at the insult to us Christians during the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics when a group of drag artists parodied the Last Supper of Jesus."

TV scriptwriter Gareth Roberts, "This wasn’t French at all, but a display of American cultural imperialism, the goading and the power display of wokeness, establishing the new sacred – transgenderism, multiculturalism – and repudiating and mocking the old. […] Director Thomas Jolly apparently said beforehand of his opus, ‘I wanted everyone to feel represented’. This is a telling remark. Because ‘everyone’ doesn’t actually mean everyone, it means only the narcissistic elements of newly sacralised minorities. Nobody else exists."

Bishop Donald Hying, Madison, USA: „In reparation for the blasphemy in Paris, let’s fast and pray, renew our devotion to the Eucharist, the Sacred Heart and the Virgin Mary. May Jesus be adored and loved in every tabernacle throughout the world.”

Bishop José Ignacio Munilla of Orihuela-Alicante, Spain, on the "blasphemous and deplorable spectacle":
"1.Our culture is giving its last breaths in the midst of woke decadence.
2.- Fundamentalist Islamism rubs its hands together seeing how we ourselves are 'committing suicide' spiritually and physically.
3.- The Spanish connection with this French decadence was made clear by the journalist of TVE1, who in the television broadcast said: 'This deeply revolutionary, anti-clerical, anti-patriotic dance (...) is a tribute they wanted to make to the French culture, to Beelzebub […]'."

Coadjutor Bishop François Touvet of Fréjus-Toulon, France: "Like many others, I protest against this scandalous and serious insult to Christians the world over... not to mention the other outrages of the show."

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, USA: "Secular fundamentalism has now infiltrated the Olympics, even to the point of blaspheming the religion of over a billion people. Would they do that with any other religion?"

Conservative Bishop Stefan Oster of Passau, Germany: "An impressive [sic!] opening of hopefully peaceful games. However, the queer Last Supper was a low point and the staging was completely superfluous."


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bishop Schneider: Modernism condemned by Pius X ‘has been realized in all its devastating consequences’

 'To fight against heresy is a truly noble and selfless act, an expression of an authentic love for one’s neighbor,' Bishop Schneider told LifeSiteNews.

Featured Image
Bishop SchneiderLifeSiteNews

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(LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan, kindly granted LifeSite an interview about his new book, Flee from Heresy: A Catholic Guide to Ancient and Modern Errors (Sophia Institute Press), whose publication date is today.

In this new interview (please see full text below), the prelate discusses the atmosphere of heresy and relativism in our Church today. “There reigns a ruthless relativism,” he says, further explaining that “philosophical and theological modernism,” as condemned by Pope Pius X at the beginning of the 20thcentury, “has been realized in all its devastating consequences in the life of the Church of our day.” Bishop Schneider goes on to say: “What’s more, even high-ranking ecclesiastical authorities in our day are promoting this modernism by various statements and official acts.” As a “prime example” of this modernism, he mentions the 2023 Vatican document Fiducia supplicans, “which authorizes the blessing of adulterous and sodomitic couples who cohabitate in a public and objectively sinful union.”

Asked about what lies at the root of today’s heresies, Schneider answers: “The root heresy of our time is relativism in its Hegelian characteristics. That means that [it claims] there cannot be a truth which is objectively always and everywhere in itself true. Truth is ultimately made by man and through historical development.”

LifeSite also asked Bishop Schneider about the relationship between the corruption of someone’s personal life and the development of heresies, as shown in the case of King Henry VIII. Henry was once a strong defender of the Catholic faith but took mistresses and broke with the Church when he was unable to obtain the annulment of his marriage to Katherine of Aragon. His legal marriage to Anne Boleyn was followed by four more. Bishop Schneider, who is of German descent, remarked on the Protestant movements in Europe at the time: “The Protestant revolution in Europe in the 16th century was almost entirely carried out by morally corrupt clergymen.” He explains this statement by pointing out that in most cases at the time, a “moral corruption, i.e. a hidden or public unchaste life, was the cause which led these clergymen to intellectual corruption, since they saw in the new heretical theories a justification of their infidelity towards their promise of celibacy (as priests) or of the solemn vow of chastity (as religious).”

No doubt God allows heresies to exist to bring about a greater good. Among the goods is the visible fidelity of some Catholics – clergy and faithful alike. Just like the few who stood at the Cross and are lauded for their fidelity to Christ to this day, those who remain loyal to Christ’s teachings now are a beacon of light. In Bishop Schneider’s words: “To fight against heresy is a truly noble and selfless act, an expression of an authentic love for one’s neighbor.”

LifeSite thanks Bishop Schneider for his own fidelity, clarity and charity in our difficult times. We also thank him for granting us this interview.

Full article:

Fraternal correction: “… if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.”

Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Look to yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. For if any one thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each man will have to bear his own load.

"Let him who is taught the word share all good things with him who teaches.”

Galatians 6, 1-6

BREAKING: Bishop Strickland condemns Paris Olympics opening ceremony

N.B. Particularly evil to pollute the broadcast to millions of a unique global event innocently believed by many to be family friendly. Diabolical infestation.

Bishop Barron’s comments on X about “deeply secularist modern society” being at fault are way off the mark. This is the devil. It’s pure unadulterated evil. The kind that can be “cast out only by prayer and fasting”.

From NCR:

“One of the best known prelates of the Catholic Church in the United States, Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota, called on Catholics to “make their voices heard” in response to what he called “the gross mockery of the Last Supper.

In a post on X, Bishop Barron said the blasphemous act was emblematic of a ‘deeply secularist postmodern society’ that identifies Christianity as its enemy. “

And the leaders of the Church are at fault by getting in the way of a solution when they call evil merely “gross”. 

Thank you for visiting.


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