Wednesday, July 17, 2024

‘Traditionis Custodes’ 3 Years On: Pope Francis’ Latin Mass ‘Motu Proprio’ Has Generated Division, Not Unity

COMMENTARY: Three years later, liturgical wars rage on...

 A Mass in the Extraordinary Form celebrated in the basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome, Sept. 15, 2017.

A Mass in the Extraordinary Form celebrated in the basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome, Sept. 15, 2017. (photo: Edward Pentin / EWTN) 


July 8, 2024

Three years after the promulgation of the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes, imposing severe restrictions on the celebration of the Mass in Latin, controversy over the use of the old Latin Mass is as strong as ever. 

Therefore, if Pope Francis’ text was intended to bring some measure of peace to the liturgy wars by increasing liturgical homogenization around the Mass of Paul VI, it has been a failure. The rise of the popularity of the Mass of St. John XXIII (traditional Latin Mass) was caused, at least in part, by a strong sense of dissatisfaction with the Mass of St. Paul VI (or Novus Ordo) among a broad cross section of regular-Mass-attending Catholics. And the move to suppress the Latin Mass has done nothing to change that entrenched reality, especially in light of the fact that the Vatican did nothing at the same time to reform the new liturgy in order to address in a truly pastoral way the legitimate sense of disaffection that many have.

It is rarely a wise pastoral move to try and suppress via raw authority from above the spontaneous expressions of faith — expressions that are thoroughly orthodox and truly “from below” — since such exercises of raw authority absent a true engagement with those affected usually flounder. 

The popularity of the traditional Latin Mass can be tied directly to its emphasis upon reverence, transcendence and supernatural verticality. And these are features that should be present in every Mass but are sorely lacking in many parishes. It is instructive that wherever the Mass of Paul VI is celebrated in deeply traditional and transcendent ways it is almost always successful, which only underscores the legitimacy of the desire of millions of devout Catholics for a Mass that is more profoundly reverent.

Therefore, if the aims of Traditiones Custodeswere primarily pastoral and not punitive, it is a failure, since it did not in any way address this deep desire for tradition and reverence from so many Catholics. And since it ignored the needs and wishes of the faithful, it created large pockets of open hostility toward the Vatican. This is understandable since the text was promulgated without any pastoral accompaniment with the affected groups or any sense that their liturgical preferences mattered at all on any level. 

Labeled as nostalgic “backwardists” and tossed out to the ecclesial peripheries, lovers of the Latin Mass were simply abandoned by this papacy and then vilified. Furthermore, the effective suppression of the older Mass went forward despite strong local support for its continuance from many diocesan bishops, which raises the question of how such an authoritarian move can be squared with all of the rhetoric from Rome about the need for a more synodal Church.

Read the rest:

1 comment:

M. Prodigal said...

I do not think TC was about unity; that was an excuse and a poor one. There are a number or Rites in the Church. No. Those who attend the TLM actually learn and believe in the faith of the Catholic Church and do their best to live it. They know too much! They do not tend to e compromisers or easily led into false doctrines. They stand in the way of a 'one world religion' or the globalist plan. And there is a great holiness in this liturgy and for all these reasons, they need to be suppressed.

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