Monday, July 29, 2024

Protest Fr. Martin’s Pro-LGBTQ Summit on Catholic Campus

Join faithful Catholics in prayerful protest to oppose Fr. James Martin’s summit titled “Outreach 2024: LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference” at Georgetown University.


Saturday, August 3, 2024.


Georgetown University

37th St NW & O St NW

Washington, D.C.


12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM

Not only does Fr. Martin support transgenderism for children, but he also endorses blasphemous “Pride Masses,” blessings for sinful unions, and sacrilegious “rainbow rosaries.” In short, his message is this: “Accept homosexuality. Subvert the Church.”

Unfortunately, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., is scheduled to celebrate Mass at the pro-homosexual event.

-- Join this prayerful and peaceful protest.

-- Bring your rosary.

-- Bring a friend. 

For more information, contact John at 717-495-5427.

More background:

10 Ways Fr. Martin is Harming the Faith

20,570 Faithful Ask Card. Gregory to Cancel Fr. Martin's Pro-LGBT Conference

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