Thursday, July 4, 2024

“It’s about theology. This is a war on doctrine, not a squabble over the use of Latin, altar rails and ad orientem worship.“

Will it be a train wreck for the church or for the evil men controlling her?

Better not wait to get off the tracks until the train is five feet away!

Perhaps discussing the rumoured nuke to be dropped on the TLM on the third anniversary of Traditionis Custodes (July 16th) is premature. Why not wait and see and just be silent and let the chips fall where they may? After all, isn't the best course to live in the present moment? That's certainly one approach, and I won't argue with those who choose it.

On the other hand, there is something to be said for taking measures when a disaster is likely to happen. You don't wait until the hurricane is upon you to board up the windows. You don't wait until the train is five feet away before you get off the tracks. An article at OnePeter5 recommends that Catholics get ready, especially considering the accuracy of previous "rumors" reported by Rorate Caeli. Their track record is excellent. So let's check out the article by Carina Benton: would behoove Traditional Catholics to familiarize themselves with four key issues so that they can be spiritually, psychologically, and intellectually prepped for what comes next. 

Firstly, a crucial point made in OnePeterFive’s roundtable discussionlast week [worth watching!] – and one that I’ve previously argued – is that the continued persecution of the Tridentine liturgy is not really about liturgy at all. It’s about theology. This is a war on doctrine, not a squabble over the use of Latin, altar rails and ad orientem worship. [To fight a problem, it's important to know exactly what it is. Archbishop Lefebvre saw clearly that the NO affected the priesthood and watered down the sacrificial nature of our faith. The change to the liturgy was not a tweak, but a wrecking ball.] The Traditional Rite fosters rightly-ordered worship and doctrinal orthodoxy, which renders it incompatible with the “who-am-I-to-judge? relativism” and the “any-road-up-the-mountain ecumenism” of Modernist revolutionaries. At a sociopolitical level, it also puts Traditional Catholicism at odds with the Climate Agenda wealth redistribution scheme, sexual nihilism, and open borders chaos which Pope Francis and many senior prelates are helping promote. 

Another important observation that came out of the roundtable conversation was the increasing “ghettoization” of the Traditional Latin Mass, and the risk of normalizing the treatment of Latin Mass attendees as second-tier Catholics. With the release of Traditionis Custodes in July 2021, the Vatican trolled traditional Catholics with possibly the most cynically named papal document in the history of the Church. There’s nothing about this document that acted in any way as a “custodian of tradition.” It was a wrecking ball.

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