Thursday, August 29, 2024

Non-Defenders of the Faith: Christianity Under Assault in England

Muslims and mosques were not the only targets attacked during the recent U.K. race riots. Christians and churches were targeted too—but most media and politicians don’t want you to realize that. Even worse, nor do certain prominent priests.

Not that you’d know it from mainstream media, but the most persecuted religionin the world right now, in terms of sheer numbers of those affected, is Christianity. Yet there are certain places on the planet where you might not expect this to be the case: traditionally Christian countries, for example, like England.

During the U.K.’s recent race riots, the distinct impression was given that the only places of religious worship targeted by hooligans and protestors were mosques. But was this really so? 

In the early hours of August 7, a statue of the Virgin Mary standing in an illuminated external niche outside St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in the London suburb of Wembley was reduced to rubble by person or persons unknown. Unlike bricks being hurled at English mosques of late, however, this particular outburst of iconoclasm received precious little domestic media coverage. News of the statue’s ruination only really made it out via social media, where the following photograph was spread:

This caught the attention of the only sizeable U.K. outlet besides The Catholic Herald to touch the story, GB News, a conservative rolling-news station. On  August 11, GB News ran a detailed online report headlined “Christians left PETRIFIED after attack on church during riots as media IGNORES mob chanting ‘Allahu Akbar.’” Here, they spoke of having seen unspecified videos “that appear to show attacks on Christians in London.” GB News reporters tracked down the local Wembley worshipper who had posted the viral photo of the ruined Virgin Mary statue, who agreed to speak only on condition of anonymity, for the sake of safety.  

Read the rest:

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