Cardinal Müller: "Actors of Paris Olympics Are Severely Mentally Disturbed"

The so-called "cult of reason and freedom" in totalitarian atheist states is accompanied by the killing of millions of innocent people - by the French Revolution, the Fascists and the Communists. This includes current crimes committed by the judiciary.
The "woke" ideology in the West has atheistic roots, is characterised by hatred of Christ and the worst incitement against the Catholic Church.
The French regime justifies the anti-Christian opening ceremony with "secularism", which is merely a cover for the brutal violation of freedom of religion and conscience: "There is a lot of excitement about the inclusion of 'of 'woke' people in a country where Catholics have been systematically excluded from public life and viciously discriminated against for 200 years".
Cardinal Müller's key sentence: "The mockery of the Last Supper by spiritually uprooted and severely mentally disturbed actors, their instigators and financial backers was an act of spiritual terrorism that backfired on its perpetrators."
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsXpribvlvul

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