Friday, August 30, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Vatican wrong to open door to euthanasia, says LCP whistleblower

The doctor who blew the whistle on abuses carried out under the notorious Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) has warned Catholics that new guidance from the Vatican on end-of-life care is lethally flawed.

The Rev. Dr Patrick Pullicino, a former hospital doctor who was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Southwark after he retired from the NHS, made his remarks in a homily preached during a Mass in the Jesuit church in Valletta, the capital of Malta.

He said the Pontifical Academy of Life had effectively put forward “guidelines whereby in certain circumstances euthanasia could be acceptable”.

“Euthanasia, though, is never acceptable,” said Fr Pullicino.

“Of course we know it is never moral to stop fluids or nutrition, but hospitals have become experts at delaying fluids and nutrition particularly in the elderly,” he said.

“This is most often done when a sick elderly person is classified as ‘dying’ and they are put on morphine and sedatives as so-called end of life care.

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