Thursday, August 1, 2024

Chaldean Cardinal Rejects "Blessing" of Homosexual Couples

The Chaldean Church, the Catholics in Iraq, rejects Francis’ homosexual pamphlet 'Traditionis custodes' and the [pseudo] blessing of homosexual couples.

Their synod passed a resolution last week, Cardinal Louis Raphaël I. Sako announced on (July 22):

"The Chaldean Church in Iraq and throughout the world does not consider same-sex unions to be marriage, as it considers marriage between a man and a woman to be the legally valid marriage for the establishment of a family. It refuses to bless same-sex unions in order to preserve the sanctity of marriage, which is one of the seven sacraments."

There are about 600,000 Chaldeans, most of them in Iraq. Due to persecution and expulsement, the number of Chaldeans has decreased in Iraq in recent years. Most recently, Patriarch Sako was in exile for eight months and only returned to Baghdad in April.

Picture: Raphaël I Sako © Mazur CC BY-NC-ND, #newsMytbuthccx 

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