Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Covid & Vaccine whistleblowers: “Documentary indicates James O’Keefe attended Bohemian Grove, suggests he’s a CIA asset”

Producer Justin Leslie argues that many ‘bombshell’ stories exposing the grave dangers of the mRNA COVID injections, and malfeasance by drug companies, were routinely spiked by Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe, the pioneer in ‘guerrilla journalism.’

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James O’Keefe, an American conservative political activist and founder of Project Veritas, meets with supporters during the Conservative Political Action Conference 2020 (CPAC) hosted by the American Conservative Union on February 28, 2020 in National Harbor, MD. Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images

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(LifeSiteNews) — A thorough two-episode documentary from a former Project Veritasjournalist includes apparent voice recordings of well-known founder James O’Keefe admitting he attended the infamous and secret Bohemian Grove summer camp for the powerful in northern California.

After graduating from the University of Rhode Island in the spring of 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences, documentary producer Justin Leslie states he entered a biomedical science master’s program at Rutgers University and then took a job as a formulation analytical scientist at Pfizer in Andover, MA.

During the first semester of his master’s studies, Leslie reports coming to the realization “that the whole COVID narrative was absolute nonsense,” that the so-called “vaccines were actually death shots,” and even further, in a position challenging a well-established consensus, he became convicted that virology itself “was one big pseudoscience.”

He further accepted his position at Pfizer in March 2021 with the specific intention of becoming a whistleblower should he come across important inside information, even having corresponded with Project Veritas (PV) at this time to offer his services.

He added that the push to inject children was fast approaching which he considered to be “absolutely terrifying.”

PV is ‘controlled opposition’ designed to ‘bait everybody that’s a whistleblower’

After reaching out to PV again, they provided him with undercover recording equipment he began wearing to work in late September 2021. Soon after, he provided PV with a vial of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, and gathered with other PV personnel and Dr. Carrie Madej to investigate the contents in a Mamaroneck, New York apartment on October 14, 2021.

Madej, an internist trained in osteopathic medicine, became well-known on the internet warning viewers to avoid the COVID injections and for examining these substances as well. On this occasion, Leslie explains how the doctor guided the microscope examination of these samples from Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and the vial from Pfizer which he had provided.

In the J&J sample the group witnessed what the young whistleblower explained as “black circles and what looked like parasites revolving around them as if they had a mind of their own.” The Moderna and Pfizer samples “had similar parasitic-like creatures in them,” and while he couldn’t identify what he was looking at, he said, “it was absolutely nightmarish to witness.”

Six days later, Madej was a guest on the Stew Peters Show where she explained these phenomena, also stating she had been working with an “amazing team” from PV promising that they would be “giving their story very soon, which will have so much detail, so much data, so please look for that.”

But instead of releasing this story that several members of this PV team witnessed themselves, Leslie states “this entire story was buried by Project Veritas” and it never came out, even as other researchers such as Dr. Robin Wakeling in New Zealand, and Dr. David Nixon in Australia, corroborated the findings.

In October 2023, Leslie called Dr. Madej to revisit the issue of this spiked story and “get her perspective on what went down that night.” In the recording of the call, Madej warned him saying “don’t trust the same people again” and expressed a personal lack of trust in James O’Keefe specifically.

She opined that under O’Keefe’s leadership, PV, and its successor organization, O’Keefe Media Group (OMG), was “controlled opposition.”

“They were there just to bait everybody that’s a whistleblower, and then (they’re) able to control anything that was coming from the whistleblower. That was their job, and that’s still their job,” she asserted. “They don’t care who they hurt along the way.”

O’Keefe buries ‘bombshell’ Pfizer story committing ‘crime against humanity’

Much of Leslie’s documentary revolves around “a nine-terabyte file of evidence” which he collected during his extended period of undercover recording at Pfizer. In the film he confesses to “being completely naïve” in giving all of this footage over to PV without retaining copies of his own.

Another big story contained within this footage came from two personal meetings Leslie had with Pfizer vice president of biotherapeutics and pharmaceutical sciences, Nick Warne. The executive reportedly told the young scientist that he had “gamed the FDA” by withholding crucial data regarding the stability of COVID injections for children aged 5 to 11.

In other words, Leslie explained, Warne was “lying by omission by not discussing the clinical data” related to this topic with the FDA.

“This was bombshell. It was criminal. It was dangerous,” he said. “Something like this had to be released to the public. They had a right to know and they had the right to know right now.” Yet PV would not release this information.

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