Friday, September 13, 2024

Amsterdam bishop says young Catholics are going back to ‘roots of the faith,’ want traditional liturgy

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Wed Aug 28, 2024 - 2:34 pm EDT 

(LifeSiteNews) — Dutch Bishop Johannes Hendriks said that young Catholics are going back to the roots of the faith, including more traditional liturgies.

In an interview with the German newspaper Die Tagespost, the bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam described the dynamic of Catholics in the Netherlands. While many of the older generation are still demanding heterodox “reforms” along the lines of the German “Synodal Way,” young Catholics are returning to tradition.

“The younger ones are going in the opposite direction again: to the roots of our faith,” he said. “It is the older ones who are coming up with the themes of the Pastoral Council of that time.”

Hendriks referred to the so-called Dutch “Pastoral Council” that took place from 1966 to 1970 and is comparable to the heretical Synodal Way in Germany. The heterodox project is considered to have been a driving factor in the country’s de-Christianization.

When asked about what young Catholics who wish to return to the roots of the faith are interested in, the bishop replied, “The charisms, vocations, and interests among young people are as diverse as in the Church as a whole: there are young people who are committed to bringing other young people together and sharing their faith and friendship with them, and there are those who are committed to helping the poor, for example, with Sant’Egidio.”

“There are those who are interested in the liturgy, often in a classical form, or who are particularly interested in deepening and forming their faith,” he stated.

“I recently had a conversation with a grandmother from our parish who said that she didn’t really like it if Holy Mass was sometimes celebrated in a more traditional way during the week, but her grandson thought it was wonderful!” the bishop recalled.

“So on the one hand, she grumbled a bit about it,” he continued. “On the other hand, I felt that the grandmother actually liked the fact that the Mass was so important for her grandson. The Holy Spirit is at work.”

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