Monday, October 2, 2023

Archbishop Vigano entertains the “possibility” that Pope Francis did not intend to be the pope and therefore might not be the pope

I’ve been saying for some time now that Pope Francis often acts like he does not want to be pope. Or that he entertains the idea that the papacy is another of the traditions of the Church that must be destroyed in order to advance his agenda. His words and actions add up to a denial of the teaching authority in matters of faith and morals which is proper to the office of the papacy.

Archbishop Vigano was “deleted” from participation in the CIC at Pittsburgh last weekend, ostensibly because of the content of his talk composed for delivery at the conference and linked here, below.

But there may be a bit of overreaction on both sides, divided between the yeahs and the nays. Division is the work of the Evil One, to include division between those who say Francis is pope, and those who say he is not. The dilemma arising from those who claim +Vigano is on one side of a dividing line over against others like Bishop Schneider, who offers a different take, is resolved simply by a careful reading of the text.

Note well the operative paragraph. Note the use of the word “possibility”. None of us possess the divine omniscience to know and judge the intentions of any person, including the pope. Archbishop Vigano here logically includes himself in that category.

I think his words deserve a hearing. Or at least a thoughtful reading.

“So here I am, throwing the proverbial stone into the pond. I would like us to take seriously, very seriously, the possibility that Bergoglio intended to obtain the election by means fraud, and that he intended to abuse the authority of the Roman Pontiff in order to do the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ gave a mandate to Saint Peter and his Successors to do: confirm the faithful in the Catholic Faith, feeding and governing the Flock of the Lord, preaching the Gospel to the nations. All the acts of Bergoglio's governance and magisterium - since his first appearance on the Vatican Loggia, when he introduced himself with his disturbing "Good evening" - has unraveled in a direction diametrically opposed to the Petrine mandate: he has adulterated and continues to adulterate the Depositum Fidei, he has created confusion and misled the faithful, he has dispersed the flock, he has declared that he considers the evangelization of peoples to be "a solemn nonsense," and he systematically abuses the power of the Holy Keys to loose what cannot be loosed and to bind what cannot be bound.”

The writer does not here nor elsewhere in the text declare ipso facto that Francis is not pope. No wishful bending of the text will support that conclusion.

 +Vigano asks here only that we take seriously the possibility of his proposal. And I agree with that suggestion. And ask that we pray for the pope as we ever do for all.

Full text:

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