Friday, June 28, 2019

So bitter about getting called out for her lack of charity during a blogpost

A gentle reminder to Mary Pezzulo about the importance of the garment of charity in which all of us were clothed at our baptism. So much more important then being right when called out during a blogpost for mistranslating words in a tweet about clothing at Mass.

Mary uncharitably chose to translate “at Mass” in my tweet as “It is not appropriate for a priest to call out a woman for her immodesty while saying Mass” here which event never happened and which behavior I would never condone.

My admitted imprecision in a tweet does not excuse irresponsible license in her blog. She could have asked to verify before publishing and chose not to. The consequences are public as she points out in her gratuitously bitter and anti-woman blog post published in response to my request for a retraction or correction. I thank her for her grudging and negative non-apology, in which she takes swipes at the women who attend traditional Latin Mass and The Wanderer Newspaper.

I will continue to pray for her and her family as I asked others to do in a recent column. For the free advertising all of this publicity provides she is most welcome.

Here is the non-apology “apology” post:

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