Blessed Charles I of Austria and his wife Zita, who bore him eight children, are good patrons of marriage and family life.

"Karl was a great leader, a prince of peace, who wanted to save the world from a year of war; a statesman with ideas to save his people from the complicated problems of his empire; a king who loved his people, a fearless man, a noble soul, distinguished, a saint from whose grave blessings come." - Herbert Vivian
Let us pray
O Blessed Emperor Karl, you accepted the difficult tasks and burdensom challenges God gave you during your life. In every thought, decision and action you trusted always in the Holy Trinity.
We pray you to intercede for us with the Lord our God to give us faith and courage, so that even in the most difficult situations of our earthly lives we may not lose heart, but continue faithfully in the footsteps of Christ.
Ask for us the grace that our hearts may be molded into the likeness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Help us to work with compassion and strength for the poor and needy, to fight with courage for peace in our homes and in the world, and in every situation to trustingly place our lives in the hands of God, until we reach Him, as you did, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Imprimatur: Archdiocese of Vienna, May 18, 2004
Dear Father,
Beautiful photos and a wonderful prayer.
You and your readers may be interested in the Third Annual Traditional Latin Mass, Luncheon & Conference in honor of Blessed Karl at St. Titus Church in Aliquippa, PA, on Sunday, 6 April 2014.
All the details and reservation info can be found here:
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Woodlawn Council 2161 Traditional Latin Mass Guild.
Dear Father,
Beautiful photos and a wonderful prayer.
You and your readers may be interested in the Third Annual Traditional Latin Mass, Luncheon & Conference in honor of Blessed Karl at St. Titus Church in Aliquippa, PA, on Sunday, 6 April 2014.
All the details and reservation info can be found here:
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Woodlawn Council 2161 Traditional Latin Mass Guild.
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