"Holy Father, the People of God are with you, [the People] who are not impressed by the idle gossip of the moment, or by the troubles that at times hurt the community of believers. Jesus, in fact, has told us: 'In this world you will have troubles,' immediately adding, 'but take courage! I have overcome the world'.
"Last Thursday, in the Holy Mass for the benediction of the Holy Oils, Your Holiness edified us all by speaking of the goodness of God and recalling the inspired words of the first Bishop of Rome, the Apostle Peter, who described for us the attitude of Christ during his Passion in this way: 'When he was reviled, he did not revile: when he mistreated, he threatened not: but entrusted himself to the one judges rightly.' (I Peter ii, xxiii).
"Holy Father, we will seek to make a treasure of your words. In this Paschal feast, we will pray that the Lord, the Good Shepherd, will continue to support you in your mission at the service of the Church and of the world.
"Happy Easter, Holy Father! Happy Easter, Sweet Christ on Earth! The Church is with you!"
We love you, Holy Father. Thank you for your "yes" to the Lord.
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