“First you will see me, then you will not see me, then you will see me again.” With these words Our Lord refers to His Paschal Mystery and instructs us to look forward in hope to His coming again at the final judgment. In a less serious vein, these words apply very well to my own life here among you, the blessed people of God at Saint Peter’s. You have seen quite a few priests come and go in the same way you saw me arrive last June and now see me departing one year later. If you think it’s rough being a “trainer parish” sometimes, try being the trainee! Through all this you accepted with faith, persevered in hope, and supported with prayers and actions of love. You have been a tremendous solace, an example, and a true family of faith.
“I am a pilgrim on the earth, like all my fathers before me”. These words of the Psalms well describe the life each one of us enter into upon our baptism as people of faith who do not find here on earth a lasting city. Our thoughts are above, with Christ the Lord, seated at God’s right hand. The Archdiocese is rich in people but sometimes not so wealthy when it comes to workers for the vineyard. For this reason our leaders must be careful to distribute God’s gifts prudently and wisely among His people. This often necessitates the transfer of our priests. I promised obedience to Cardinal Hickey, and all his successors, at my ordination. In this, as in all matters of obedience, it is the Lord whom I truly serve and obey. In this way I also truly serve His people in a more generous expression of His love.
As people of Faith, we above all others have a right to say:”See you again!” We sincerely mean it, as we all look forward to our heavenly home reunion at the end of our pilgrim way on earth. I say the same, and truly hope that it will be sooner rather than later. You can catch up on my pastoral and military experiences anytime by visiting my blog, A Priest Life.
I have often said in jest, and do so now, “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now” as our Lord did upon departing from His Apostles. How wonderful are the riches of wisdom, knowledge and grace that the Lord has yet to reveal to us in the journey ahead! For this reason we are hopeful in Christ, as our Holy Father Benedict so beautifully and so often invites us to be. May He always be your hope and mine, all the days of our lives!
Arrivederci, “Until we see each other again”,
Father Cusick
(Photo by Michal Sajnog : The morning walk up to the church for holy Mass.)
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
You'll be missed, Father Cusick.
Dear Fr. Cusick, God Bless you as you continue your priestly journey, in the Roman Catholic faith.
you are on my blog list, A Priest Life and Meeting Christ in The Liturgy. Andrew O'Brien UK
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