Priests are 'instruments of salvation' for all, says Benedict XVI
Vatican City, July 26 (CNA) .- On July 26, Pope Benedict XVI led the Angelus prayer in Les Combes, Italy and recalled the Sunday readings, in particular the miracle of the loaves, when Jesus feeds thousands of people with only loaves of bread and two fishes."Narrating the 'sign' of the loaves, the Evangelist stresses that Christ, before distributing them, blesses them with a prayer of thanksgiving," the Pope said. "The verb is 'eucharistein' and recalls directly the Last Supper, during which John does not refer to the institution of the Eucharist, but to the washing of feet.
"During the Year for Priests, the Holy Father explained, "we priests especially can turn again to this text of John, where the Apostles say: Where will we be able to find bread for all these people? Reading of this anonymous boy who has five loaves and two fish, we too come to say spontaneously: But, what is this for such a crowd?"
"Who am I? How can I, with my limitations, help Jesus in His mission?" He continued: "The Lord's response is that by placing in his 'holy and venerable' hands the little that they are, priests become instruments of salvation for many, for all!"At the conclusion of the Angelus prayer, Pope Benedict addressed a special greeting to local inhabitants in the Valdoten regional dialect: "Dear Valdostans, I am happy to be here with you. Pray for me and for the entire Church. I wish you a good summer!"
Children Go Where I Send Thee – A Homily for the 5th Sunday of the Year
This Sunday’s Gospel describes the call of Simon Peter, one that takes
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1 week ago
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