Monday, January 6, 2025

Why the FBI Chokes on the T-Word

(Nota bene: “Essentially the FBI has declared itself the Islamic Pope. They get to decide which interpretations of the Quran and Hadith are legitimate and, if they can’t prove a connection between an act of Islamic terror and a “legitimate” Muslim sect then it’s not an act of terror. Since Islam is a religion of peace only moderate Islamic sects are valid according to Pope FBI. Hilarious no? Largely seeds of insanity planted during the Obama administration, of course.” (Guest commentary.)


Whether the bureau designates an Islamist attack “terrorism” depends on a dubious judgment that it was inspired by “false” Islamic teaching.

Turns out that Shamsud-Din Jabbar kept Islamic scripture on, of all places, his internal profile page at Deloitte, where he was working as a “solutions specialist” — which sounds eerie now in light of the “solution” he had in mind when he rammed a rented Ford pickup truck into a crowd of revelers on Bourbon Street in the first hours of the new year, killing 15 and injuring dozens more.

The passage was drawn from the Quran, chapter 76, which is called Al-Insan, or “The Man.” As explained in The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary, a version of Islam’s highest scriptural source produced by the Saudi regime, the “theme” of the chapter (or sura) is “the contrast between the two classes of men, those who choose good and those who choose evil.” On his profile page, which said Jabbar’s top interests were hunting and prayer, he reportedly proclaimed verses 5 through 7, which explain that “the Righteous” — i.e., Muslims who comply with Allah’s law — will be rewarded in the hereafter for “performing their vows” and “fear[ing] a Day Whose evil flies far and wide,” meaning Judgment Day, on which horrible, everlasting punishment will be the fate of the class of men who have chosen evil — the nonbelievers who have spurned Allah’s law.

In New Orleans in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, Jabbar believed he was delivering Judgment Day to the nonbelievers and would be rewarded for it.

This is not really difficult to understand. What is difficult, for us who have to rely on the United States government for our security, is that it has become forbidden to understand.

I observed in the hours after the attack that the FBI had conformed to its “habitual woke incoherence.” A top official in the New Orleans field office leading the investigation, assistant-special-agent-in-charge (ASAC) Alethea Duncan, could not get to a microphone fast enough to state emphatically, “This was not a terrorist event.” Mind you, Jabbar had just flown from the rear hitch of his rented pickup truck the black jihadist flag made notorious by terrorist organizations designated under laws the FBI enforces. He had just employed a classic, oft-repeated jihadist tactic of driving a vehicle into a crowd gathered for a public celebration offensive to fundamentalist Islam — in this instance, an observance of the New Year (i.e., the hallmark of time measured from the birth of Christ, not the Hijra) in which men and women mingled freely, danced to bouncy tunes, consumed alcohol, and made merry.

In sum, Jabbar had just “cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers,” as the Quran instructs in Sura 3:151 — an injunction fundamentalist Muslims take literally and regard as immutable, one that enables terrorism by dehumanizing nonbelievers in sharia-supremacist eyes because, as verse 151 continues, “their abode will be the Fire: and evil is the home of the wrong-doers.”

The rest:

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