Monday, January 6, 2025

Di Caprio-Ing Before Di Caprio, Or: Jimmy Carter Meets His Maker

Not exactly Jimmy Carter’s take on LGBT

Jimmy Carter has died, and we hope that he saved his soul. I invite my readers to say a prayer for him. 

After which, it will be good to say a couple of things on this elusive concept, of being “good”. 

Jimmy Carter was, no doubt, considered good by the world. After his disastrous Presidency, he started humanitarian work, basically Di Caprio-ing before Di Caprio was a thing. He was, in fact, and if memory serves, one of the first “celebrities” on the do-gooder circuit. The world noticed, and pretended to forgive the political nincompoop because of the good Southern heart.  

The problem is, being good is a complex thing, and goes deeper than just being one of those who jet around for the poor. In the view of the world, Jimmy Carter was a benefactor – funny how the ambassadors take the merit, after others have paid the money – but in the view of a Christian, the measure of good is not the activism for “good causes”, but the fidelity to Christ. If you love me, keep my Commandments. 

This fidelity to Christ is exactly what, in the oh so good Jimmy Carter, was severely lacking. His continued support for sexual perversion, and his stubborn refusal to put whatever clout he had in the service of the unborn, made very clear that his do-gooding was, as it happens very often, the desire to love himself, and to be praised by others, at the expense of this embarrassing old book, the Gospel. 

Jimmy Carter loved himself so much, that he gave away Christ under the presence of a Francis-like activism that is purely human, and meant to draw approval from the world and from the worldly people who make him look good. I have no doubt that he loved the praise that the wrong crowd was tributing to him. If he had used his name and popularity to vocally, stubbornly, and whatever the popularity cost, defend the unborn and Christianity, there would have been no jetting around for him, and the rich donors would have considered him just another bigoted old man. As it is, he was campaigning for baby-killing, trans-affirming Kamala with his very last breath.

Read the rest:

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